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Justin Trudeau
New Candidates for MAID? Watch Justin Trudeau Say Some Older Canadians Live in 'Too Much' House
Amy Curtis
Canada to Issue 5,000 Residency Visas for Palestinian Refugees
Brett T.
No Indigenous Children's Remains Found After $8 Million Search in Canada
Brett T.
Insane: Justin Trudeau's Proposed Hate Speech Law for Canada Could Be Applied RETROACTIVELY
Grateful Calvin
Monday Morning Meme Madness
CIA? Wait, WUT?! Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh's Backstory and Ukraine Connection Just Gets WEIRDER
What Rep. Dan Goldman Said About 'Eliminating Trump' SOOO Bad People Think It's Fake - It's Not (Watch)
Rachel Vindman BACKPEDALS on Her Hate-Filled Post Mocking Trump Shooting, Plays the Victim and OH HELL NO
OOF: Chrystia Freeland Gets Buried Under a Ratio for 'World Press Freedom Day' Tweet
Grateful Calvin
Say WHAT? Justin Trudeau Sends Millions to Ukraine for 'Gender Inclusive' Mine Removal
Mr. Wonderful Holds NOTHING Back Criticizing Canada's Not So Wonderful Prime Minister Trudeau
Twitter Asks 'Who Cares?!' Again as Justin Trudeau Says He Fears Trump Will 'Make Life Tough for Canada'
Oh, FFS: Justin Trudeau Stocks Men's Bathrooms in Canadian Parliament With Tampons
Grateful Calvin
Justin Trudeau Blames Waning Support for Ukraine on 'American MAGA-Influenced Thinking'
Brett T.
Builder of Canada's 'Anti-Racism Strategy' Says We Will Crush Your 'Jewsader Colony'
Brett T.
'Where Are Our Politicians?': Jewish School in Montreal Shot At Twice In One Week, Trudeau Silent
Amy Curtis
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Got His COVID-19 Booster Wednesday
Brett T.
Dana Loesch Breaks Out the Puppets and Crayons to SCHOOL Lunchbox Justin Trudeau On Gaza History
Sam J.
Justin Trudeau Seems Very Confused About Which Country Was Terrorized and Deserves Thoughts and Prayers
WATCH: Trudeau had a terrible day on Wednesday as he made pathetic excuses for honoring an actual Nazi
Aaron Walker
'Isn't this interesting': Wikipedia attempts to edit and erase history of actual Nazi, Yaroslav Hunka
Amy Curtis
Rob Schneider cancels visit to Canada over celebrated Nazi
Gordon K
Rob Schneider cancels trip to Canada after GOING OFF on Trudeau for applauding a Nazi in SAVAGE post
Sam J.
WATCH: Did Volodymyr Zelensky, Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Parliament honor an actual Nazi?
Aaron Walker
LOL: Justin Trudeau announces that he's 'team Barbie', surprising no one
CBC #TwitterFiles? The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tried to get Twitter to censor critics (video)
Aaron Walker
Shameless Anthony Fauci tries to completely rewrite history on his starring role in COVID shutdowns
Sarah D
Biden fires up AF1, 75-car motorcade to go talk climate change with Justin Trudeau
Doug P.
Justin Trudeau uses International Women's Day to remind us trans women are women
Brett T.
Justin Trudeau regrets comment about Freedom Convoy truckers (what he said next was unreal)
Doug P.
Tucker suggests the U.S. invade Canada to 'liberate' it from Trudeau and the left explodes
Justin Trudeau warns that the 'rise of authoritarian leaders' is causing global instability
Doug P.
Joe Biden grins like a lunatic while ignoring reporters' questions about classified docs
Sarah D
Justin Trudeau posts video reminding Canadians to make sure their COVID-19 boosters are up-to-date
Brett T.
'Some are more equal': Justin Trudeau spotted doing a hypocrisy two-fer (masking AND climate change!)
Doug P.
Justin Trudeau says the news coming out of the United States about Roe is 'horrific'
Brett T.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau putting forward a national freeze on gun ownership
Brett T.
Politico's Sam Stein notes that two months ago Elon Musk tweeted a Justin Trudeau/Hitler meme
Brett T.
Justin 'Emergencies Act' Trudeau says we're seeing countries 'turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders'
Brett T.
'Like you stood with the truckers?' Aspiring Putinesque tyrant Justin Trudeau reassures Ukrainians that they have Canada's support
Sarah D
CBC reports that even though the Freedom Convoy is gone, many in Ottawa are suffering from 'phantom honking'
Doug P.
'He actually said it!' Justin Trudeau's slam on Putin MELTS projection detectors everywhere
Doug P.
David French doesn't understand how anyone can be as worried about Canada as they are about Putin (maybe you can explain it to him)
Sarah D
Trudeau says any Parliamentarian who votes against extending the Emergencies Act doesn't trust the government
Brett T.
Glenn Greenwald lays out how Justin Trudeau's actions are part of a broader plan to criminalize and crush dissent
Brett T.
THERE it is! Justin Trudeau says that even though there are no more blockades 'the state of emergency is not over'
Doug P.
Ottawa police say area travelers will be required to 'simply' explain something at any of 100 checkpoints
Doug P.
Suck it UP: Blue-check Jacobin 'writer' tries DESPERATELY (and fails hilariously) to pretend Justin Trudeau isn't really on 'the Left'
Sam J.
Bitcoin wallet companies respond to Canada deputy PM's order to freeze accounts (these are *chef's kiss*)
Doug P.
Sen. Ted Cruz weighs in as Justin Trudeau explains how he's 'protecting Canadians'
Doug P.
Keith Olbermann wants more of Canadian protesters getting trampled by police horses
Doug P.
Videos show police moving in on Ottawa #FreedomConvoy protesters, arrests being made
Doug P.
Ottawa police warn media 'for your safety' to stay away from 'areas undergoing enforcement' (or be subject to arrest)
Doug P.
Reporter using hacked data to contact #FreedomConvoy donors says some responses have been 'aggressive'
Doug P.