Results for: grocery prices

WOOF! 'Biden Wins' Account Has Said Some Dumb Stuff in the Past But THIS Groceries Post is a DOOZY
prices 'plummeted' you better have some real proof, JACK! … BREAKING: Grocery prices plummeted in April. … Bidenomics is working.— Biden’s Wins (@BidensWins) May 18, 2024This is so bad it's been Community Noted already:Overall food prices
BS Detected! Charles Payne Extinguishes Dems' 'Inflation Is Down' Gaslighting Effort…inguishes-dems-inflation-is-down-gaslighting-effort-n2396288
– a lot more at the store than they were before Biden took office, we're getting semi-brags like this from the White House: Groceryprices down in today's inflation report— Ben LaBolt (@WHCommsDir) May 15, 2024Similarly, Democrat Sen. … And even though egg prices have stabilized, many of us remember the price before the inflation.— Yordie Sands 🌺 (@YordieSands) May…
CA Finds Solution to Minimum Wage Hike Layoffs: Ban Self-Checkouts
– We've written extensively on California's recent minimum wage hike and the subsequent fall out: increased prices, shuttered businesses …  Senate Bill 1446 would “prohibit a grocery or retail drug establishment from providing a self-service checkout option for customers … time) or shut their doors entirely.Because this is always what happens.A newly proposed bill in California could ban grocery
You're Lying: Biden Smacked DOWN for Gaslighting About Wages 'Outpacing' Inflation'
– especially when whatever intern drew the short straw and had to post this steaming pile of lies on X:Wages are rising faster than prices … They know their grocery budget doesn't go as far, that it costs more to fill up their gas tank, that everything is more expensive and … ags3fynwnV— Wildfire Whispers (@WildfireWhisper) May 6, 2024And anyone who buys groceries knows this.Businesses are closing and prices
'Oops!' MSNBC's Survey of Undecided Voters Did NOT Go the Way They Were Hoping…y-of-undecideds-did-not-go-the-way-they-were-hoping-n2394938
– into the 2024 election, and the segment focusing on Trump, Biden and the economy came on the same day this news dropped:Overall prices … has not fallen in a single month since Biden's term began (the closest was July 2022 when it was unchanged), which leaves overall prices … And prices have never been higher.— zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 10, 2024Even MSNBC can no longer fully…
Latest WH Attempt to Explain How Biden's Saving Us Money Gets BURIED in Reality Checks…idens-saving-us-money-gets-buried-in-reality-checks-n2394935
– 32.7%Public transportation: +22.2%Real average weekly earnings: -3.9%— Jacki Kotkiewicz (@jackikotkiewicz) April 10, 2024Overall prices … (@HollyBriden) April 10, 2024The White House's next task will be to figure out a way to keep voters from going to a grocery store or…
I Did NOT Have RFK Jr. BLISTERING Biden Over Inflation by the Numbers on My Bingo Card BUUUT Here We Are
– I understand the pain Americans are suffering from high prices. … That's NOT farmers being greedy, that's not grocery stores being greedy, no no, that's Biden's inflation.RFK Jr. gets it.And hopefully…
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's Biden Endorsement: How It Started vs. How It's Going…biden-endorsements-how-it-started-vs-how-its-going-n2394785
– Next time we’re talking cars.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 27, 2020Then came rising grocery and gas … prices, an intentionally open border where millions streamed across illegally, and some wars that weren't happening when Biden's predecessor…
'Worst Take Yet'! Try Not to Laugh at the AP's Latest Attempt to Spin Bidenflation
– Since Joe Biden took office in January of 2021, here's what's happened to prices:Grocery prices have surged more than 21% since the … And while the pace of price increases for food has slowed in recent months, the overall cost of many grocery store staples is still … as they had been, but average prices are still painfully above where they were three years ago.…
Ted Cruz Has a Theory Why People Think 'Bidenomics' Sucks Even Though Media's Graphs Say Otherwise…omics-sucks-even-though-medias-graphs-say-otherwise-n2393923
– theory for why so many people aren't buying the "best economy ever thanks to Bidenomics" spin:Maybe it’s because they’ve been to a grocery … happened the last three-plus years is all the fault of the Republicans (and Trump of course):The REALITY of Bidenomics:❌Overall prices … UP 17.9%❌Food costs UP 25%❌Gas prices UP 40%❌Credit card debt UP 46%❌Home sales DOWN 26%❌Real wages DOWN 2%Americans are paying $1K…
Make No Mistake: Biden-Harris Plan for 'Affordable' Day Care Would Be a DISASTER
– between the $10-per-family cost and the actual costs of child care.Which, of course, would cause the child care facilities to jack up prices … ’t afford groceries for their children— Valentina Gomez (@ValentinaForSOS) March 12, 2024Don't give them any ideas: they'll cap groceryprices and we'll all starve.1.…
Businessman/Econ Adviser Absolutely Destroys WH's BS About 'Bidenomics' and Inflation
– keep repeating the same things and hoping that eventually, people will believe them over their lying bank accounts and credit card/groceryPrices have only gone up and never gone down.Duh— (((Aaron Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) March 10, 2024By every…
Vox Explains What President Biden Can Do to Bring Grocery Prices Down
– Then gas prices came down, and the same people praised Biden for lowering them. … It seems every time they go grocery shopping, they get the wrong idea.Kudos to Vox for even admitting that grocery prices are too high … Always trying to help, Vox published a piece telling Biden how he could bring grocery prices down.Miles Bryan and Noel King write:Rising…
'Let Them Eat Flakes': Kellogg CEO Says Eat Cereal for Dinner to Save Money
– incredibly cringeworthy; we don't know what else to say about it, really.The economy is limping along and Americans, seeing soaring food prices … boasts it is.More from The New York Post:Kellogg’s CEO Gary Pilnick advised shoppers chalking up more of their paychecks to soaring grocery
SO Glad Adults Are Back in Charge: Biden SOTU to Blame 'Corporate Greed', Shrinkflation for Economic Woes
– ) February 23, 2024More from Politico:President Joe Biden is weighing how hard to hammer big food companies over painfully high groceryprices in his upcoming State of the Union Address.…
President Biden, Defender of Snack Foods. Biden Goes All in on 'Shrinkflation' Campaign…k-foods-biden-goes-all-in-on-shrinkflation-campaign-n2392821
– Businesses are trying to stay competitive in the market by limiting how much they raise prices to offset the cost increases they’ve … at the grocery store.Hey Joe, you’ve got so much time to worry about the size of my kid’s Snickers bar- how about you focus on the … Shrinkflation is just a way companies raise prices. So, uh, he's saying food prices are still rising rapidly?…
Sheldon Whitehouse Faceplants in Touting Bidenomics by Citing Economic Expert ... Stephen Colbert?
– Yes, numbers have gone up under Biden, such as prices, mortgage rates, and the number of U.S. service members injured and killed overseas.It … Another millionaire telling you not to worry about your grocery bill. — (@jtLOL) January…
Karine Jean-Pierre's Spin on 'Bidenomics' and the Border Makes BS Detectors Explode…idenomics-and-the-border-makes-bs-detectors-explode-n2391943
– UNDER BIDEN: Prices have risen by 17.3%. Real wages are 2.5% lower. Inflation has been above 3% for 33 straight months. … nearly 30 years as high mortgage rates frustrated buyers — The Associated Press (@AP) January 19, 2024 Grocery
Joe Scarborough Asks Nancy Pelosi Why Voters Don't Get That Biden's Economy Is the Envy of the World…nt-get-that-bidens-economy-is-the-envy-of-the-world-n2391647
– surging, 2023 experienced a meaningful slowdown in price growth. — NBC News (@NBCNews) January 11, 2024 So, prices … Why are Americans being brainwashed by their grocery bills?…
Here's What Biden SHOULD Have Been Asked During the NYE Interview (but of Course Wasn't)…asked-during-the-nye-interview-but-of-course-wasnt-n2391282
– --You know your White House economic advisers claim that prices are coming down is total BS, right? … Also when was the last time you were in a grocery store?…
Whiner-In-Chief: Biden Wants the Press to Report the Economy the 'Right Way'…wants-the-press-to-report-the-economy-the-right-way-n2391161
– Don't get us wrong, they'd do it in a heartbeat if they could, but they can't intercept your receipts at the grocery store. … It’s Wal Mart’s prices not the Wall Street Journal’s reporting that’s shaping people’s view of the economy. … TomBuck) December 26, 2023It doesn’t matter how they report it, we know exactly what’s going on - we feel it every time we go to the grocery
Biden Roasted for Raising Pay of Federal Workers While Private Sector Employees Suffer
– quite a slap in the face to the private sector employees who will fund the pay raise, as they struggle under the increased gas and groceryprices we've come to expect under Bidenomics.…
In the Spirit of Rand Paul ... More Grievances For Dear Reader To Consider
– My final complaint is grocery prices. Yes, grocery prices. … ...and when we SEE the high grocery's only OUR imagination's...and that the economy is INCREDIBLE! … It's time our legislators start taking the strain resulting from food prices seriously and work to give some relief to citizens.…
Hot Take: No One Knows Why President Biden Is Unpopular
– Absolutely tone deaf on grocery/gas and housing. … Has gaslighting answers about prices that shows they pay no attention, tone deaf on just buy an electric vehicle despite price point … If you actually work a job and live on a budget, one of the biggest reasons for the anger is the insanely high prices for everything…
Keep Digging: Jonathan 'Let Them Eat Cake' Chait Doubles Down on Defending 'Bidenomics'
– This writer went online and did some shopping at a not high-end grocery chain. … I assure you prices have gone way up — Ultraspicybae 🇮🇱 (@Buffyinnyc) December…
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