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Writer at 'The Atlantic' Wonders Why Biden Is Losing When the Economy Is Thriving and Twitter Claps Back

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Mainstream Media loves to try and convince their audience what they see and feel happening around them isn't really 'that bad' if a Democrat is in the White House. In today's example, a staff writer at the The Atlantic, bemoaned Biden's failing poll numbers when we have such a great economy. Yes, she really said that.


Joe Biden is, at the moment, losing his reelection campaign. And he is doing so while presiding over the strongest economy the United States has ever experienced.

The jobless rate is below 4 percent, as it has been for nearly two and a half years. Wage growth is moderating, but it is higher than it was at any point during the Obama administration; overall, Biden has overseen stronger pay increases than any president since Richard Nixon. Inflation has cooled off considerably, meaning that consumers’ purchasing power is strong.

Annie must not go to the grocery store, or she is too wealthy to notice, but the prices are high and nothing has 'cooled'.


Here's a hint: look at the prices to take a family out to eat or fill a gas tank. That will be a huge clue.

Here are few charts Annie should study since she is so baffled.

Presenting a few more facts if Annie is really wondering.

People know what is and is not in their pocket books. There is only so much you can pull on the public before they start to push back.


When they say journalists aren't paid enough, this alone tells a whole different story.

Clearly, the high paying jobs are at The Atlantic because their writers are so well compensated they are out of touch with reality.

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