Comrade Kamala Debate Special
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Tammy Duckworth
LOL WUT? Watch Joe Biden Try to Compliment Tammy Duckworth, Fail HILARIOUSLY
Amy Curtis
DNC Marks George Floyd Memorial Day, Pushes for MORE Police Reforms ('Cause the Last Ones Worked SO WELL)
Amy Curtis
Gov. Kathy Hochul Tells Anti-Choice Extremists Not to Underestimate Women’s Rage
Brett T.
Tammy Duckworth Community-Noted Into ORBIT for Claiming Republicans Don't Care About the Border
Sam J.
LIVE Blog: Twitchy Team's Live Coverage of the Trump/Harris Debate
Moderator Linsey Davis Gives Debate Its Candy Crowley Moment
Christopher Rufo Says the Administration Subsidized the Venezuelan Migrants in Aurora
SAVAGE: Donald Trump Takes Kamala Harris' 'I'm Talking Now' Moment From Her
Sen. Tammy Duckworth Gets Schooled About Bidenomics
Amy Curtis
Constitution says no, Senator: Tammy Duckworth shares fantasy of an America WITHOUT your rights
Chad Felix Greene
Oh SHOOT! Duckworth called out for pushing deceptive propaganda about the 1994 assault weapons ban
Laura W.
Oh honey, NO! Women DRAG Tammy Duckworth for claiming they're 'forced to defend their right to vote'
Sam J.
'PROFOUNDLY offensive': Sen. Tammy Duckworth using Mother's Day to literally push for ABORTION does not go well, like at all
Sam J.
'Checks in pockets': Sen. Tammy Duckworth thinks Presidents Day is a great day to thank Joe Biden for a job well done
Brett T.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth: Sen. Ted Cruz suggested the Russian military is better than the American military that protected him from an insurrection
Brett T.
'Trump was right and it was all fake news': Sounds like that whole 'Russian bounties' narrative just imploded
Sarah D
Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she's a no vote on all non-diversity nominees, says, 'Well, you have Kamala' is 'insulting'
Brett T.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth gets flamed for expressing profound disappointment in the lack of diversity in President Biden's cabinet
Brett T.
Pro-abort Dem Sen. Tammy Duckworth tells 'my Republican colleagues' that Amy Coney Barrett thinks babies born through IVF 'shouldn't exist'
Sarah D
Sen. Tammy Duckworth calls intel on Russian bounties 'very credible'; Richard Grenell calls her out
Brett T.
'She called them dead traitors': Mollie Hemingway SHREDS NeverTrumper David French after he white-knights for Tammy Duckworth
Sam J.
‘You can be more than your injury!’ Wounded Warrior Johnny ‘Joey’ Jones graciously (ouch!) shuts down Tammy Duckworth for playing her disability card
Sam J.
Old tweet from Tammy Duckworth shows what she used to think about Mount Rushmore
Greg P.
Cleanup in progress! Tammy Duckworth refuses to rule out tearing down statues of George Washington
Greg P.
'You need to STOP': Doctor BUSTS Sen. Tammy Duckworth for pushing lies about Governors going without COVID supplies
Sam J.
Army veteran Sen. Tammy Duckworth calls it un-American to 'attack' Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, invokes My Lai massacre
Brett T.
Senate Democrats who refused to vote for Green New Deal proudly launch Climate Crisis committee
Brett T.
JAW, MEET FLOOR: Tammy Duckworth's evidence of Kavanaugh's 'dishonesty' REEKS of desperation [video]
Sarah D
Screw due process! It's clear that Senate Democrats have already convicted Brett Kavanaugh [video]
Sarah D
'SO PATHETIC'! Dem Sen. Tammy Duckworth channels Kamala Harris, straight-up SLIMES Brett Kavanaugh
Sarah D
Oh, SNAP! @redsteeze pours ICE-COLD water on Dem Sen. Tammy Duckworth's new resolution [pic]
Sarah D
'LOLWUT?!' Who wants to decipher this comedian's take on pregnant Sen. Tammy Duckworth?
Sarah D
CHALLENGE TIME: One America's Liz Wheeler wants to know if Feminists will celebrate THIS female senator's milestone
Beth Baumann
They go high? Sen. Tammy Duckworth proves herself a NASTY TROLL in just 2 Trump tweets
Sam J.
Neil Gorsuch is sexist and racist? Dems are really getting desperate now
Sarah D.
Another combat veteran says military-style assault rifles have no place on America's streets
Brett T.
'OMG': NRSC couldn't delete this cringeworthy tweet about Tammy Duckworth fast enough [pic]
Sarah D.
'Wow. Just wow.': Pelosi won't let pregnant vet Duckworth vote by proxy, doesn't get the 'fuss'
Sarah D.