The Left loves to play this little game with their pet cultural and political issues, and it goes something like this:
1. This thing the Right says is happening isn't happening.
2. Okay, it's happening, but not that much.
3. Okay, it's happening and happening a lot and you're a bigot for noticing.
4. Why do you care so much about this issue? We have other problems to deal with!
Over the last couple of weeks, Rep. Nancy Mace as been on a mission to make sure the women's bathrooms on Capitol Hill remain single-sex spaces. Why? Because Representative-Elect Tim ('Sarah') McBride is the first trans member of Congress and he's got a history of going into women's bathrooms where he's not allowed:
McBride told everyone it would be an issue when he took a selfie in a women’s bathroom in NC.
— Rebecca Tucker (@RebeccaTucker85) November 23, 2024
The Left chose to make this an issue. And the Right responded, as they should.
But here's Sen. Tammy Duckworth living out Stage 4 of the process:
US @SenDuckworth tells CNN, "We have a lot more to worry about than where somebody goes to pee."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 24, 2024
Right. So the Left should stop trying to force women to accept men in their safe spaces.
Problem solved.
This is what they do. They do something completely absurd then get upset when you notice.
— Pray The Rosary (@PrayTheRosary12) November 24, 2024
'Republicans pounce!' and all that.
The senator on the left, no pun intended, doesn’t understand that it’s much more than where one person Pees. It’s where hundreds of thousands of men dress up like women because of a perversion and go into our spaces and harm us. This must stop and now.
— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News🥜 (@unhealthytruth) November 24, 2024
Remember when the Left said 'no means no'? Good times.
Then why is a dude in a dress fighting so hard to pee with women if there is “a lot more to worry about”.
— DriveBy Geek (@DriveByGeek) November 25, 2024
Get back to work you lazy slobs.
Then get to worrying on those and stop wasting your time on this.
— Dusty (@dustopian) November 25, 2024
Mike Johnson didn't worry about it. He just took action.
You're the ones now doing all the worrying.
Bingo. It's all on them.
I'm always amazed by this messaging, which has remained unchanged across issues for decades:
— (((Not That Crown, Maybe))) (@CrownMaybe) November 24, 2024
Step 1: It is absolutely an issue of existential importance to break to pieces and reform this centuries-old norm
Step 2: Any attempt to reverse Step 1 is a dumb waste of time
Wash, rinse, repeat.
The feeling of a tiny minority are given priority over the valid feelings & concerns of a large majority
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) November 25, 2024
But democracy! Or something.
Then it shouldn’t matter either way, right? And if it doesn’t matter either way, then it doesn’t matter if McBride uses the men’s.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) November 24, 2024
But it's just like Nazism if you stop a man from peeing in front of women.
It’s a classic tactic of the cynic. First, you make a huge deal of something that you want to change, and then when people say “no, I’d like things to stay the same, actually,” you say, “why do you care so much about this?”
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) November 24, 2024
As we said.
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