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white privilege
Lily White Leftist Historian Laments Lack of Job Options Because DEI but Quickly Walks the Truth Back
Rep. Ayanna Pressley Is So Tired of White Men Failing Up
Brett T.
'Lunatics Running the Asylum': Check Out the INSANE DEI Nonsense California Makes Pharmacists Study
Amy Curtis
Retailer Offers Discount If You Take Their 'Digital Course in Racial Inclusion'
Brett T.
Bassem Youssef Is Ratioed Into Oblivion Following His Take on Israel's Pager Attack on Hezbollah
Here's 'Disqualifying' Video of Kamala Harris Explaining How Gov't Could Deal With Legal Gun Owners
Now It Looks Like More Than Just Pagers Are Exploding in Hezbollah Hands and Pockets
Trans Women Are Bullies: J.K. Rowling DROPS Man Forcing a Woman to Say 'Trans Women Are Women'
In an All-Timer, The Root Tells Us Who ‘the White People of Black People’ Are
Aaron Walker
Lefties ignore Hunter Biden's very real white privilege SO MUCH it trends and we can't stop laughing
Sam J.
Mehdi Hasan pulls race card and RAGES at Reuters for pointing out Daniel Penny is a Marine
Sam J.
WATCH as white male college student who thinks he's 'privileged' is deprogrammed in REAL-TIME (video)
Sam J.
Dom Lucre just DECIMATES 'white privilege' in thread asking white people what their privilege got them
Sam J.
THIS! LOL! Tucker Carlson explains how Martha's Vineyard was suffering soul-crushing effects of its own whiteness ... so thanks DeSantis (watch)
Sam J.
'This RULES': Beavis and Butthead find out they have 'white privilege' and it's the funniest damn thing you'll see today (watch)
Sam J.
Home Depot's 'Canadian division' can help you learn how to check all your various types of privilege [pics]
Sarah D
No big deal, just a literal 'white privilege test' courtesy of the Eau Claire, WI area school district (screenshots)
Sam J.
'The absolute worst Ukraine take': Vladimir Putin very much benefits from white privilege
Brett T.
NPR: Academics argue white people using the yellow thumbs-up emoji 'signals a lack of awareness about white privilege'
Brett T.
The ADL has redefined racism because apparently appeasing the Wokeness Brigade is far more important than fighting antisemitism
Sarah D
'If you're white — warning — you're not gonna like this': TikTok influencer Tyra Blizzard explains why 'lip filler is cosmetic blackface' [video]
Sarah D
Wil Wheaton says 'f**k EVERYONE at Netflix' behind comedy festival featuring 'despicable bigot' Dave Chappelle
Brett T.
HO HO HUH? The Salvation Army going WOKE and demanding a 'sincere apology for white racism' with donations goes SO wrong
Sam J.
Salon on vaccination mandates: 'Trump fans are overdue for a lesson in consequences'
Brett T.
Professor singles out 'average white student' to demonstrate his privilege over an identical black student
Brett T.
'I won't be pathologized for being White': Man resigns from school district over 'white privilege' training
Brett T.
'We thought it wouldn’t come here': Student challenges school board to explain how she's an example of 'white privilege'
Brett T.
Where WE'RE headed?! British charity goes off the rails claiming white women who've been raped/assaulted reporting their attackers is 'white supremacy'
Sam J.
'Breakable Kimmy Schmidt': Actress Ellie Kemper posts struggle session to atone for 'race and privilege' clouding her judgment at 19
Sarah D
'What in the world is this?' Woke National Geographic editor in chief solicits subscribers by throwing down the 'race card' [screenshot]
Sarah D
Disney documents encourage employees to complete a 'white privilege checklist,' work through feelings of guilt and shame
Brett T.
So very HUME-ILIATED: Brit Hume OWNS blue-check Canadian accusing him of being 'born to and immersed in white privilege'
Sam J.
CRAY-CRAY alert: Teacher rages about bandaids being WHITE PRIVILEGE in ridiculous TikTok video annnd we can’t EVEN (watch)
Sam J.
'Whiteness Mad Libs journalism' Scientific American asks if climate anxiety is 'a form of white fragility or even racial anxiety'
Brett T.
Black single mom whose son passes as white suing school over its 'hostile' Sociology of Change class rooted in 'anti-racism'
Brett T.
'If you don't believe that there's white privilege please don't teach': Here's another white woman singing about white privilege on TikTok
Brett T.
General tapped by Pelosi to lead Jan. 6 investigation has a problem with 'peace of s**t' Josh Hawley and his white privilege
Brett T.
USA Today sports columnist shames Tom Brady for refusing to see how his white male heterosexual privilege lets him avoid talking politics
Sarah D
Uh-oh! Woke San Francisco HS teacher may have kicked a hornet's nest by coming after Bernie Sanders and his fans' 'privilege'
Sarah D
Robert Reich explains why GOP Sen. Josh Hawley has it so much better than Colin Kaepernick
Sarah D
'Had to say it!' Rick Wilson's PAL Wajahat Ali makes example of HIM while b*tching about white commentator's privilege and LOL
Sam J.
Blue-checked 'antiracism educator' fires up his gaslight to prove Matthew McConaughey is lying about the 2016 election (it doesn't go well)
Sarah D
Matthew McConaughey speaks truth about the 'illiberal Left' and the Resistance is doing their best to prove him exactly right
Sarah D
Fake news: MSM firefighters resort to 'straight-up propaganda' in latest effort to prove that Donald Trump doesn't care about black Americans
Sarah D
President Trump orders federal agencies to stop spending money on training employees on critical race theory and white privilege
Brett T.
'We all live on campus now': American Psychological Association lays out plan to fight the American disease of systemic racism
Sarah D
White CBS News journo thinks fellow white person Ben Shapiro shouldn't question fellow white person Joe Biden's baseless assertion about black Americans
Sarah D
Lefty blue-check writer flaunts his privilege to prove to the world that Antifa violence is a myth and New York City is peaceful AF [photo]
Sarah D
'Is this a liturgy of social justice?' Priest leads congregation to affirm their white privilege is unfair and harmful
Brett T.
Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey says 'whiteness' gives white people an advantage 'no matter' what
Brett T.
Actress Kristen Bell apologizes profusely for 'lack of awareness of my pervasive privilege' by voicing biracial animated character
Doug P.
Rep. Ilhan Omar calls the DOJ's dropping of its case against Michael Flynn 'white privilege at work'
Brett T.
Jonesing for a hot take? Blue-checked SJW Saira Rao reveals that white people are responsible for the COVID19 crisis
Sarah D
'Will be used to inform white colleagues about privilege': Pete Buttigieg staffers circulate survey of 'microaggressions' on campaign
Sam J.