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Woke Doctor Sacrifices Children on the Altar of Trans Activism

AP Photo/John Hanna

The woke Left has taken science and turned it into a religion, based not in logical, rigorous thought and experiment but rooted in politics and feelings. Nothing good has come of this shift to making science the state religion of America, and nothing good ever will come of it.

Wokeness in science has led to massive amounts of fraud, grift, and corruption. It's also damaged the reputation of science in a way that will take years to repair (if it can be repaired at all).

Science's close relative, medicine, has not been spared from the woke mind virus. I've written extensively about wokeness in health care, because the alarm must be raised: wokeness will kill. It prioritizes the political preferences of Leftists over qualifications and safety. We see it in the FAA, which oversees airline safety. Woke doctors removed racial differences in kidney function and messed up a transplant list in the process. Med students can't pass basic tests and don't know basic anatomy, but they know about 'decolonizing' health care.

One branch of 'health care' -- and I use that term very, very loosely -- is 'gender-affirming' care pushed by trans activists. This 'care' is actually the mass mutilation and sterilization of perfectly healthy children. Those children are often on the autism spectrum, often outgrow their 'gender dysphoria', and are at greater risk of suicide and depression even when receiving treatment such as puberty blockers (which are not reversible, by the way). Because of the harm puberty blockers caused children, the U.K. banned their use (a ban later upheld by a high court).

Most 'trans' children are also gay/lesbian and I have long argued making them transition to fit rigid gender roles is radical conversion therapy. Remember when the Left hated conversion therapy? What happened to that?

I digress. While the rest of the world is pausing the transition of children, in America it's full steam ahead. The Biden-Harris administration's FDA approved their use despite increased risk of suicidality and depression.

The U.S. government spent $9.7 million on a study to prove puberty blockers weren't harmful. The study proved they were, and a woke doctor is pushing to not release the study.


People like me might 'weaponize' it.

More from The New York Times:

In the nine years since the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, and as medical care for this small group of adolescents became a searing issue in American politics, Dr. Olson-Kennedy’s team has not published the data. Asked why, she said the findings might fuel the kind of political attacks that have led to bans of the youth gender treatments in more than 20 states, one of which will soon be considered by the Supreme Court.

“I do not want our work to be weaponized,” she said. “It has to be exactly on point, clear and concise. And that takes time.”

In other words, they have to figure out how to lie.

While children are harmed. Children who use puberty blockers will never undergo normal puberty. For boys, that means their voices won't drop and their penises won't develop. For women, they will not develop breasts or menstruate. Neither will be able to have children. For those who have surgery to 'reassign' their gender, many will struggle with infections and a lifetime of expensive follow-up care and infections. Many will never be able to achieve orgasm or even have healthy sexual relationships.

Oh, and suicide rates? The thing trans activists always point to as justifying the use of puberty blockers? It goes up after 'gender-affirming care.' Not hard to imagine when such 'care' relegates you to a life of expensive medical care, sexual dysfunction, and isolation.

And the Left is okay with this. To the point they will hide studies that prove kids are harmed because their agenda is more important than those kids.

There have been several lawsuits filed against providers who gave 'gender-affirming' care to kids who later regretted it and detransitioned. 

This 'doctor', Johanna Olson-Kennedy, is violating her oath and her ethical duty as a health care provider for the sake of her political ideology. It is abhorrent. What happened to science? To objectivity? To putting the health and safety of patients before all else, even the preferences of the doctor?

That's apparently been thrown out the window in favor of sacrificing the mental and physical health of children so Olson-Kennedy and her ilk can pat themselves on the back for being sufficiently woke.

We as a society look at the experiments of Josef Mengele and the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the agency that experimented on the Tuskegee Airmen) with horror. And rightly so. Experimenting on human beings is unethical and downright evil.

One day, we will look at people like Olson-Kennedy with the same disgust.


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