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Follow the Science?! FDA Admits Puberty Blockers Are DANGEROUS, Recommended Them Anyway

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

As the UK moves away from giving kids puberty blockers -- a high court recently ruled puberty blocker bans lawful -- the US, under the Biden administration, is full-steam ahead on 'gender affirming care' for minors. Consequences be damned.


Here's more from The Washington Examiner:

A leading endocrinologist with the Food and Drug Administration recommended pursuing approval for puberty blockers for youth with gender dysphoria despite acknowledging that they raised the risk of depression and suicidality, according to internal emails.

Shannon Sullivan, the clinical team leader at the FDA’s Division of General Endocrinology, recommended to her supervisor in January 2022 that the agency approve puberty blockers to treat adolescents with gender dysphoria following a safety review that showed negative mental health results.

And here's more from America First Legal, whose litigation exposed this:

Just incredible.


Here's the details:

This is excellent work:

The conservative nonprofit America First Legal obtained the email in the discovery process of a lawsuit and made it available to The Daily Signal.

“Our review focused on suicidal ideation/depression, seizures, and bone health,” Sullivan wrote in the email. Although most of the minors in the study suffered from central precocious puberty (in which puberty starts too early), “a handful were transgender kids using the drugs off-label.”

“We found no effect on bone (after factoring in catch-up growth), including no increase in fracture risk,” she noted. “We did find increased risk of depression and suicidality, as well as increased seizure risk and we issued [safety-related labeling changes].”

Yet Sullivan went on to recommend approving GnRH agonists for minors.

The Left screams that denying these kids puberty blockers increases risk of suicide, and when almost the exact opposite turns out to be true, they recommend them anyway.

It's not about helping these kids. It's about pushing an agenda.

There needs to be. But there won't be.


And these policies would continue under Kamala as president.

We need more of this.

Absolutely deranged.

Yes it is.

Nailed it.

They day will come when we look back at this like lobotomies, forced sterilization, and the Tuskegee Airmen experiments.

And will continue this agenda.


Leftism and big pharma is a bad combo, and there's no real fixing it save a complete revamp.

The Left loves to say 'be more like Europe' until it doesn't mesh with their political agenda.

Absolutely radical.

No we are not.

This is anti-science and anti-child.

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