Monday Morning Meme Madness
Duality of Kamala: Jen Rubin Gushes Over Harris Being More Progressive AND More...
Ana Navarro Tries to Dunk on Trump and the Virgin Mary, Ends Up...
COPE: John Cryer Lives Up to His Surname, Whines About Not Trusting Polls...
UH OH: Guess Which Age Group Identifies LEAST With Democrats (And It Doesn't...
WTF: Springfield, Ohio Residents Say Haitian Immigrants Are Capturing and Eating Wild Anim...
Dear NYT: It's Not 'Silly' to Hold Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to...
Bernie Sanders Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Kamala's Policy Flip Flops Are...
Kamala Harris Likes Doritos While the Associated Press Prefers Cheesy Puff Pieces
Tim Walz Is a Lying Liar Who LIES: Watch As He Says It’s...
It's (D)ifferent When THEY Do It: Watch Sexist, Racist Lefties Mispronounce Kamala's Name
Guy Who Wants Massive Unrealized Capital Gains Tax Also Says Families Should Be...
Trump War Room Compares Cost of Border Wall to Illegal Immigration and WOW...
The Joyful Momentum Is GONE: NYT/Siena Poll Shows Trump With Lead (and the...
Liz Cheney Embarrasses Herself Saying Kamala's DNC Speech Was Reagan-esque, Gets Love From...

John Harwood Hilariously Tries to Defend Kamala's Prisoner Exchange 'Word Salad' and It Goes BAD


Surprise, Surprise, another day another 'journalist' trying to bend themselves into a pretzel to protect Kamala Harris from herself.

This time it is John Harwood, you probably know him best from his time on CNN but he has been on several different networks, written for WSJ and NYT, and has a podcast. Basically, exactly the type of person you expect to be a 'journalist'.


ANYWAY ... He could not stand people making fun of how AWFUL Kamala is if she is off-script like her performance at the prisoner exchange. Our very one Grateful Calvin told you all about that and you can read that here.

Bro, it sounds like gibberish BECAUSE IT WAS GIBBERISH! We were not alone in letting Johnathan know he is being ridiculous.

YUP! That is what everyone who does not wear those special 'journalist' goggles sees anyway.

*SNORT* WE need to look him up, sounds like one of the greatest minds of our time. LOLOLOL


Honestly, Genie in a Bottle might make more sense. At least it gives clear instructions!

They only hire the best of the best to be Democrat suck-ups ... um, we mean 'journalists'!

We do not think for a second he thinks she does, he just wants to pretend she does so he can convince others that she does. They have to have Kamala be coherent and articulate because they just had a giant coup to replace the incoherent Biden and they have no other options at this point. She HAS to work out.


It does indeed help the process. Oh well, this is what we have been given. We can only hope the actual Kamala like the one in that clip keeps getting pushed in front of the American people so they can see she is just as incoherent as Biden, but worse because while Biden was moving so far Left it was not even funny, Kamala is almost a Communist. 


Fight! Fight! Fight! Tell your friends to fight. It will take all of us to beat the Democrat 'Journalist' Machine. 

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