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This Is Why She Doesn't Take Questions: Kamala Delivers Gibberish Word Salad on Prisoner Exchange


Kamala Harris has been the presumptive Democrat nominee for President for nearly two weeks now. She still has not taken a single question from the press. A press, by the way, that has been down on its knees (no pun intended) to praise and protect her. And she won't face any questions even from them. 


Last night, she showed America why. 

After a brief daytime appearance yesterday where Harris needed a podium and notes to deliver one sentence to the media and take no questions, late last night Harris and a clearly somnambulant Joe Biden visited the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews to welcome home Americans who were released by Russia in this week's massive prisoner exchange. 

This should have been an easy win. While people may disagree on terms of the exchange, all Americans are happy whenever our citizens return home after being prisoners or hostages. All Kamala had to do was celebrate that fact and that result. 

Instead, she went 'full Kamala' -- in the Tropic Thunder sense of that phrase -- delivering an extended speech so replete with word salad gibberish, we're not even sure Biden could understand her. Watch: 

Wow. Just ... wow. We have no words (which is something we wish we could say about Harris). 

But that's OK. Twitter had plenty of words in response to this verbal codswallop. 


Hey. We just said the same thing earlier this morning. 

We weren't sure Biden was even alive during this clip until he turned and looked at her in disbelief at what was coming out of her mouth hole. (Though, in fairness, that could have been the look of dementia, wondering where he was and who the person standing next to him was.) 

LOL. Good one. And accurate. 

Whatever the highest setting is on her word blender ('Gooify' maybe?), that is where her brain is permanently set. 


Make it stop, Baby Jesus. Please, make it stop. 


A Venn diagram of her speeches would look like a Jackson Pollock painting. 

Emphasis on slightly.

That's what most of the poll numbers seem to indicate (despite Republican's predilection to completely panic at the slightest movement at all in polling). 

Nice pop culture callback there. A++++ for Deebs. 

Oh, but they'll try. 

And yet she still refuses to face the press. Even a fawning press. Probably because, if she does, there is a chance that someone (Peter Doocy, maybe) will ask her a real question. And then all hell will break loose when she tries to answer it. 


As the late, great Norm Macdonald would call it, 'Commie gobbledygook.'

It is why her rallies are so short. It is why she needed a notebook yesterday simply to make a statement to the media and take no questions. It is why she, not Trump, is the one who is terrified of the debate stage. 

She is unburdened by two brain cells to rub together is what she is. 

Exactamundo. Unless she has a script of what to say, her handlers will not allow her anywhere near a microphone. Frankly, we're a little shocked they allowed this brief, unscripted moment on the tarmac.

We feel your pain, Joe. We feel your pain. 

This is the woman Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi kicked you out for. That's gotta suck to think about. 


There is a natural disaster incoming for Democrats. Call it Hurricane Kammy. And no matter how many windows the media boards up, they can't protect themselves from it. 

Trump really should challenge her to a debate immediately. Tomorrow. Any network. Any moderator.  

Profound words. Profound, meaningless words, jumbled together into utter incoherence. 

That's our Kamala. 

Let her speak.

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