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Oh Honey, No: The Democrats Perform EPIC Face Plant With Republicans' 'Compliments' of Kamala


People are beginning to notice that, despite all of the fake hype, media fluffing, and Harry Sisson tweeting 'WOW! OMG, GUYS! LOOK HOW GREAT KAMALA IS!', the blitz campaign to make Kamala Harris seem likable (not to mention a serious person) isn't gaining a lot of traction. 


Sure, Harris has gotten a bump in the polls since her palace coup with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama to kick Joe Biden out of the 2024 election, but the needle is not moving all that significantly. Maybe that's because Harris never went through a primary, no one ever voted for her, and the Democrats never bothered asking if anyone thought she should be a Presidential candidate. 

Their attacks on the opposition aren't really working either, as no one outside of their rabid base believes that J.D. Vance is 'weird' (especially not compared to the people Democrats normally celebrate) and no one is all that offended that Donald Trump told the truth to a panel of black journalists this week. 

Time to launch another prong of attack in 'Operation: Make Kamala Happen.'

The latest attempt by Democrats to give gravitas to their candidate who possesses none of her own is to turn to ... Republicans. 

Yeah. That's not gonna work. 

Yesterday, the Twitter account of the Democrat Party trotted out a new infographic with the words some Republicans have used to describe Harris in the past ('See? Even Republicans like her, America!'). 

The result was an epic face plant once Twitter got a look at some of those testimonials. Take a look:  

LOL. What shining accolades. They all admitted that Harris is ... a person they know.


You might also notice that some of these quotes come from the worst Republicans in office, like James Lankford, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney. 

What? Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney weren't available?

Needless to say, Twitter was less than impressed. 

HAHAHAHA. Exactly. 

There were many other tweets just like this one, demonstrating the desperation on display from The Democrats. 

LOL. 'The vice president never once went apesh*t and clawed out my eyes. Five stars.'


We even fact-checked that second quote and it turns out to be 100 percent true. Well done, Democrats. 

She doesn't usually smell up the room ... too much.

We. Are. Dying.

You have to imagine how long some DNC interns were tasked with searching the internet for any evidence of Republicans saying nice things about Harris. This was the best they could come up with. 

They couldn't even find anyone saying, 'She tries hard,' LOL. (Probably because, by all reports of how little Harris pays attention to her briefings, everyone knows that she doesn't even do that.)


'This book has a lot of pages. Pages that likely were written by the person whose name is on the cover.'

BINGO. Or a performance review of someone who you want to fire, but you know HR won't let you. 


As always with The Democrats, any satire you find is purely unintentional. 

We have not met this particular dog, but we can still unequivocally say that he is far more qualified to be President than Harris. 

Yikes, LOL. (Hey, she said it, we didn't.) 


It would be hilarious if Harris approved it herself. And, given her narcissism, she just might have. 

Harris is indeed a real person who actually exists (we think). 

The saddest part of this whole tweet is that yes. Yes, they did try.

This election is going to be close. All Presidential elections in America are. Even if the Democrats nominated an inert rock, the election would be close. 

But based on these quotes The Democrats came up with, we're not entirely convinced that they haven't nominated a rock. 

Keep up the great work, Dems. 

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