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Politico's debt ceiling standoff spin isn't just insanely biased; it's the exact 'opposite of true'
Sarah D
DeSantis spox Bryan Griffin puts NYT on blast for 'bad faith tactics and bias' over their BS inquiry
Sarah D
USA Today: Biden's search for the late Jackie Walorski wasn't memory fail but a show of empathy that Trump never had
Brett T.
Let the spin, BEGIN! USA Today and other Lefty rags claiming LOWER GAS PRICES take the sting out of increased inflation does NOT go well
Sam J.
LIVE Blog: Twitchy Team's Live Coverage of the Trump/Harris Debate
SAVAGE: Donald Trump Takes Kamala Harris' 'I'm Talking Now' Moment From Her
Moderator Linsey Davis Gives Debate Its Candy Crowley Moment
Kamala Harris Repeats the 'Very Fine People' and 'Bloodbath' Hoaxes
'Did the DNC draft this'? NYT's spin on Joe Biden's commission to study packing SCOTUS with progressives is 'truly something special'
Sarah D
'Sure is good to be a Democrat'! Jim Treacher can't help but notice the way Twitter is running interference for Eric Swalwell
Sarah D
NYT's Maggie Haberman: Joe Biden picked the one who dinged him hardest, which voters know is something President Trump would never do
Brett T.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Gloria Borger call it 'spin' when Mike Pence blames China for withholding vital coronavirus information
Brett T.
David Axelrod emerges from the cave he's apparently been living in to wag his fingers at Donald Trump over COVID19 response
Sarah D
NYT: New report blames Republicans for Obama administration's weak response to Russian meddling
Brett T.
'Very fake news': The way CNN hack Oliver Darcy framed Twitter's punishment of Team Mitch 'is why we don't trust the media anymore'
Sarah D
WaPo fact-checker calls Bill Barr's press conference a 'pathetic effort to spin apparently bad news'
Brett T.
'Ready at the drop of a hat': NYT gets to work carrying Kamala Harris' bong water
Sarah D
'LOL WUT??' TIME spins Elizabeth Warren's DNA test self-own into unintentional comedy gold
Sarah D
Forget Chris Cillizza's list of things we learned from Elizabeth Warren's DNA test; This list is better
Brett T.
How will the media spin Trump's signing of environmental legislation? Here are some ideas
Brett T.
'AYFKM?' NY Mag gets ratio'd hard for this spin on Ted Cruz being harassed out of DC restaurant
Sarah D
THIS F*CKING GUY! After getting royally BUSTED, Cory Booker digs his own grave EVEN DEEPER
Sarah D
Puh-LEEZE! Bloomberg hack sends 'reporter' mask CRASHING to the floor with this take on SCOTUS
Sarah D
'SOOOOOOOOO predictable': CNN proves their critics RIGHT with this spin on Strzok-Page texts
Sarah D
'STOP PROTECTING OBAMA'! CNBC's John Harwood puts DIZZYING spin on Iran Deal disaster
Sarah D
MSNBC's Katy Tur will let us know when the White House press corps is there for spin
Brett T.
'Gaza bridge for sale': Ezra Klein says the Democrats got 'a good deal' out of the shutdown
Brett T.
WTH: This Touré claim about Hillary Clinton's collapse is truly unbelievable
Lori Ziganto
Shameless idiocy! So, Sally Kohn's absurd Hillary Clinton scandal spin is THE WORST [photo]
Lori Ziganto
We MEANT to do that! Josh Earnest's spin on Iran situation makes 'zero sense' [video]
Sarah D.
'I felt the burn!' Charles Rangel takes his love for spin to a new level [pics, Vine]
Sarah D.
Don't look now Donna Brazile; Your pitiful, desperate Hillary spin (really, look!) is busted with ONE point
Lori Ziganto
PolitiFact now fact-checking tweets, poorly; Phil Kerpen's post accurate, but 'Mostly True'
Brett T.
'You fraud': Nobody's buying White House spin on Obamacare 'gains'
Jim Jamitis
'Pre-election spinulation': Earnest says 2014 'not a true national election'
Jim Jamitis
Dem desperation continues to reek; Here's Donna Brazile joining GOP to blame for Ebola spin machine; Update: She doubles down on idiocy
Lori Ziganto
How much does Dem desperation reek? Paul Begala parrots pitiful 'Ebola budget cuts' spin; Gets schooled
Lori Ziganto
White House gets raft of snark over hooker scandal
Jim Jamitis
Spin machine, activate! Another WH spox parrots pathetic hooker scandal spin
Lori Ziganto
People who don't listen to Rush Limbaugh are outraged by something he didn't say. Again.
Jim Jamitis
Left pivots from 'Tea Party is dead' to 'Tea Party hates Jews' after Cantor loses
Jim Jamitis
'Don't freak out': Worried about census changes? Voxplainers to the rescue!
Sarah D.
White House tries to spin latest Obamacare non-delay
Brett T.
'Lost in translation?' Hmm: Something seems very familiar about Kerry's Iran deal spin
Lori Ziganto
Spin doctors: White House celebrates O-care enrollment by touting people on Medicaid
Sarah D.
'He just got owned!' Brit Hume smacks Juan Williams' absurd Obamacare spin; Update: Video added
Lori Ziganto
Synced spin! Ezra Klein, others: GOP 'sabotaging' Obamacare; Well, then: 'Proceed'
Lori Ziganto
'Thanks, Alanis!' Check out David Axelrod's absurd Obamacare spin tweet; Iowahawk, others shred; Updated
Lori Ziganto
'Best thing on the Internet today': Jay Carney's 9,486 evasions and verbal crutches
Jenn Taylor
Fox News' Martha MacCallum blasts Holder, pathetic Daily Beast puff piece
Lori Ziganto