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I'm Preeeeeetty Sure Joe Biden (and Maybe Jill!) Has It Out for Kamala Harris and It's GLORIOUS

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Joe Biden went on The View and bragged about how he put Kamala Harris in charge of basically ... everything. And he smiled the biggest smile when he did it but I couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe this was his way of giving Kamala the middle finger. Especially since she has been working really hard to distance herself from her own administration, babbling about 'turning the page' and a 'new way forward.'

If you're like me and don't believe for one damn minute Joe willingly dropped out of the race then you know it's all too possible (heck, even probably) that this was Joe's way of needling Kamala and maybe, just maybe, sinking her in November. And then he can remind the very powerful Democrats who threatened him with the 25th (that's the rumor) that they own the loss, not to mention he can go on his own tour reminding Democrats who voted for him that he would have won.

It's really a win-win for Biden.

So why wouldn't he want that?

I'm sorry, I just don't buy that 'spent five decades in politics' Joe Biden suddenly decided he should put the country before his own political ambitions. And you know the fact the woman he had to pick because of her sex and race to prove he's not a racist taking his job from him is not going over well with him.

Or his wife who clearly loves running the country.

Either way, this has been an election unlike anything we've ever seen before. Let's hope we never see one like it ever again ... heh.



** SWOON** Javier Milei DEMOLISHES the United Nations 'In Their HOUSE' and It's SPECTACULAR (Watch)

What. The. HELL?! Another WHOPPER Drops About Kamala's Past, This One About Her Time As a Prosecutor

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Independent Women's Forum DROPS Woke System PUNISHING Women for Speaking Out Against Men in Their Prisons

White Supremacist Dudes for Harris? LOL! Guess Which White Supremacist JUST Endorsed Kamala (Then LAUGH)

Byron York Shares Transcript of ENTIRE Exchange Between Stephanie Ruhle and Kamala on the Border and WOW



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