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Violate 1st Amendment Rights Much? Eric Swalwell TORCHED for Trying to Get Journo FIRED for Wrong Speak


Here we go again. Seems this Reed Galen person wants to get a journalist fired for something he said on Twitter. Now, whether or not you agree with what he said is irrelevant. The fact Galen thinks it's appropriate to target him this way to punish him for wrong speak is the point.


And it only gets worse.

A representative of the government openly trying to get a journo fired for something he wrote. Now, we are certainly not Constitutional experts by any means BUT this sounds kinda sorta like a violation of this journo's First Amendment rights.

Do what for Gus? Get a journo fired for saying something you disagree with? 

Tell us again who the bullies are, Eric.

Authoritarian hypocrites at that.



Let's not forget Tim's angry yank of Gus's arm we all saw in real-time last night. Again, not so much the yank itself (people are claiming he was too close to the equipment) but the look on Walz's face when he did it. There was real anger there.

Right? There's probably something in there that says this is a big no-no.

Just sayin'.

We're willing to bet he does not realize that because he's not the brightest crayon in the box.


Mainstream media are ADMITTING they're working to elect Kamala Harris and all Democrats, heck even lackeys and surrogates are bragging about their efforts to spin, lie, and do what it takes for Democrats to win in November. Sign up for a Twitchy VIP Membership today, help us hold them all accountable by supporting our efforts to tell the TRUTH. And when you sign up this week (Comrade Kamala week only) you'll save an additional 60% off the membership if you use the code FIGHT.




Backfire to End ALL Backfires! Hillary Clinton Posts Kamala Pic That ACTUALLY Makes Her Look Creepy AF

'You're KILLING Us!' SCARY, Receipt-Filled Thread Shows Us ANOTHER Not-So-Joyful Side of Tim Walz

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Fox News Cut Trump's DNC Rebuttal OFF So He Found Another Way to Finish Making His Point and ROFL (Watch)

'Not Voting for a Backup': Undecided Pennsylvania Voter's Post-DNC Comments DEVASTATING for Kamala -Watch


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