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'Not Voting for a Backup': Undecided Pennsylvania Voter's Post-DNC Comments DEVASTATING for Kamala -Watch

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

We have to admit, watching the last four days of the Democratic National Convention we truly saw the DNC machine in action. What a spectacle. Famous people, hip music, pretty commercials, and nothing but Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump and Trump bad. Oh sure, they threw in a few things about democracy and Kamala even pretended she didn't totally stab Joe Biden in the back for power and money (she said she loved him, HA HA HA HA) but in the end, it was nothing more than a pretty propaganda piece put together to fool stupid people into forgetting how she got the nod.


They really don't want to talk about the fact nobody voted for her.

They really don't want to talk about the fact she was even LESS popular than Joe Biden.

Luckily, there were some people who didn't buy the shiny marketing.

Watch this:

He picked up on the fact they talked about nothing real and she was about as clear as mud when policy came up. And he's right - she wasn't ready in 2020 and she's not ready now. Nothing about her is real, everything is a creation of the DNC machine. For example, using bits and pieces of her childhood without telling the WHOLE story so they can pretend she grew up in the middle class and had to work for everything she has. 

Add the gorky liar as her VP and they THINK they have the total package.

But not everyone is buying what they're selling.


No worries! We have it on good authority she will push price controls and tax unrealized gains.

Stalin would be proud.

Because, drum roll, she's not ready.

Saying it one more time for people in the back ... 


And honestly, we don't think she ever will be.


Mainstream media are ADMITTING they're working to elect Kamala Harris and all Democrats, heck even lackeys and surrogates are bragging about their efforts to spin, lie, and do what it takes for Democrats to win in November. Sign up for a Twitchy VIP Membership today, help us hold them all accountable by supporting our efforts to tell the TRUTH. And when you sign up this week (Comrade Kamala week only) you'll save an additional 60% off the membership if you use the code FIGHT.



THIS --> Jon Gabriel OWNS Adam Kinzinger and His WEEPY DNC Speech in 1 Perfectly BRUTAL (Logical) Post


'Angry Staffer' Account Who FUELED Lie (Con) About Surprise DNC Guest Beyoncé Tries BACKPEDALING and LOL

America's DAD?! ANGRY Look on Tim Walz's Face As He YANKS His Son's Arm on DNC Stage Says SO Much (Watch)

Republican for Harris and Never Trumper Olivia Troye's Victory Lap After Selling Out at DNC Goes SO Wrong

Oh WOW, LOL! The Hill Tries Deleting YUGELY Embarrassing Error About Tim Walz BUT We Got It (Screenshot)


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