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Elon Musk OWNS WHITE PRIVILEGED Mark Cuban Lecturing Others About Checking Their White Privilege (Watch)

AP Photo/Ron Jenkins

Mark Cuban is a mess.

We feel like we've written this story before ... maybe because Cuban is so desperate for attention he'll say and do whatever he thinks it take, even if what he's saying and doing makes him look like a total tool.


Case in point.

If you're not following MAZE (@mazemoore) you really should be, we find a ton of good info from his timeline and his work, just FYI.

We'd ask what is wrong with this dude but there really isn't any point as we're fairly certain it can't be fixed.

You can tell Cuban thought he was being super deep here and saying something worthwhile. Narrator: He was NOT.


We see what he did there.

Cuban is proof any doorknob can be successful in America. Yup.

Right? He should just give away all of his privilege since it's such a bad thing.


Another great idea. Let us know when Cuban does it as we imagine he eventually will get to that point.



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