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Nancy Pelosi and Other Dems' Intervention Pushing Biden to Withdraw FAILED So Now They're Playing Dirty


If you're anything like this editor you've had to restock your stash of popcorn at least once in the last month, especially after that fateful presidential debate where we watched Joe Biden's campaign collapse in real time, whether he knew it or not.


And whether the Democrats wanted to admit it, or not.

Add in the fact some maniac actually shot Trump and the man STOOD UP right after and yeah ... Democrats have a YUGE mess on their hands and the best part of all of this is they did it to THEMSELVES. They fortified 2020, they vilified and targeted Trump, they put Banana Brain in the White House with the most unpopular VP maybe in all of his history and now it's coming back to bite them in the arse.

Hello Karma our old friend, Democrats have come to speak with you again.

Take a look at this:

The intervention failed (Biden being defensive doesn't sound like it went well), so suddenly it's getting leaked that he got defensive.


Dirty pool, Nancy. Wonder if the leaking is why we're hearing about Biden suddenly having COVID and being receptive to stepping down if he has a medical condition.

Huh again.

This doesn't seem very democratic for the party that claims they're defending democracy. Who knew?


Bite. Your. Tongue.

Bro, same.

Let's hope so. They're slimy and sneaky ... 

Of course he's confused, about everything but especially about his own party telling him to step down after they've spent years telling him how great he is and how much the country loves him. Heck, Jill Biden acted like he ate ALL his veggies after that nightmare of a debate, why would he think he didn't do well?


This really is the most public case of elder abuse maybe ever.

Nancy Pelosi is dirty. And evil. And corrupt.


Wonder if she tore up Biden's last SOTU?



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