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Adam Schiff's Gross Lie About His Family and the Holocaust Gets Debunked In Real-Time and It's GLORIOUS

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Everyone knows Adam Schiff is a liar - heck, we're all still waiting for him to provide the proof he said he had that would FINALLY prove Trump colluded with Russia. And sorry, but we can't help but think of the Russian DJs who punked him and claimed they had naked pics of Trump THAT of course, Schiff for Brains desperately wanted.


This guy is just a bad person.

Not a lot of great people become politicians, and that's fair, but Schiff is really gross even for a politician.

For example ... 

He's trying to use this story to pretend our southern border is leaking because people are fleeing violence.

That's cute, right?

Except you know, it's gross and a lie.

Do the math, bro.

Hey, if Adam won't, Charlie Kirk will:

So unless Schiff's grandparents magically went back in time, there is no way his great-grandparents could have come to America fleeing the Holocaust. They would have come to America WAY before ... he had to know someone would fact-check this, yes?


Is now a good time to remind Schiff how Santos was expelled for telling a lie? Just spitballing.

Awww, look at her try and defend the lie.

Close but no.

More 'math':

Schiff has no shame.

But we knew that already.

Now, now, that's not fair.

Schiff's nose should be WAY longer.



Erick Erickson Breaks Out the Puppets and Crayons to Perfectly SCHOOL the Media About Abbott and SCOTUS


Glenn Youngkin's Kick-A*S Post Dragging Biden While Throwing VA's Support Behind TX Triggers SO MUCH Dumb

STRAIGHT In Our Veins! John Kennedy Once AGAIN Leaves 'Em Speechless in Southern Border TAKEDOWN (Watch)

Peter Doocy STUNS John Kirby in Back and Forth About Illegals Crossing Biden's Southern Border (Watch)

Councilman Josh McBroom Telling Rich, White Lefties to Put Up or Shut Up On Housing Illegals is GLORIOUS


Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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