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J.D. Vance HILARIOUSLY Buries Tim Walz With One Tweet About How He Will Handle Media Interviews

MEME Artist Angie

Yesterday morning saw Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance going on multiple Sunday shows and pretty much laying waste to the apparatchik hosts Dana Bash and Jonathan Karl when they tried to trap him with dishonest questions. 


This is becoming a habit for Vance. He has previously embarrassed reporters on the tarmac for not asking Kamala Harris any questions (or demanding she answer any) and owned those same reporters at his many recent press events

Regardless of what some conservatives may have thought about Vance at the time Trump selected him, it is becoming evident why Trump did so. Not only is Vance unabashedly and proudly America First, but he is also well-prepared, talented, and downright masterful at handling the media. 

One other thing that Vance is exceptionally skilled at is Twitter. We're not sure if he writes all of his own tweets, but he certainly seems to write many of them. They are very distinctive with his personal -- and often hilarious -- voice.

We got to see one of those tweets yesterday after Fox News's Howard Kurtz became one of an unforgivably few number of reporters asking why not only Kamala Harris, but also Tim Walz are avoiding the media like their political lives depended on it (and they just might).   

This is obviously a calculated political move by the Harris campaign, but it is also cowardly and unworthy of the offices that the two candidates seek. 


Vance, however, was nonplussed and responded to Kurtz's question with a devastating tweet that still has us in stitches: 


OOF. Gigantic OOOF. 

We can't lie. That was a spit-laugh moment for us. 

Yep. Just like that, except not as cringy and lame as Stephen Colbert. 

Clearly, Vance is referring to Walz's disgraceful history of abandoning his unit on the eve of its deployment to Iraq. And then lying (by commission or omission) for decades that he served in a combat role in the Global War on Terror. 

Like we said, Vance is pretty damned masterful at this part of campaigning. 

LOL. We just spit up our drink again. It is well documented how Gwen Walz -- in her own words -- liked to savor the aroma of Minneapolis burning down around her during the George Floyd riots


Someone get Vance his crown. 

As we said, we are almost certain of it. 

If there was a tier higher than 'S,' we would put this one there. (Some people do like to use 'SSS' and frankly, we are OK with that.)

Hello, 911? 

If it was a boxing match (hopefully one between two people of the same sex, IOC), the referee would have called it a knockout after just this one punch. 

Vance was on fire on Sunday. Even Poso saw it. 

We're not sure even Hamas' buildings in Gaza have been leveled as thoroughly as this.


Nailed it. Nailed him. Nailed the entire Democrat Party. 

Or, as they say in Mortal Kombat: 

We're not sure even Trump could have known how good his running mate would be at handling media, social or traditional. But he has to be loving how well Vance is doing across all platforms. 

Ouch, baby. Very ouch. 

Trump has certainly had some influence over how Vance approaches the media, but this can't be passed off as something Vance just learned after he became the VP nominee. He's simply too good at it. This surely is a talent he has always had, now dialed up to 11.


Here is our favorite part. It is patently clear that Vance is enjoying this. He's enjoying being the nominee and enjoying the unique opportunity he has to expose the lies of the media and the Democrats. And he's doing it with a smile on his face. 

One of the latest false narratives from the traditional media is that Harris and Walz are 'joyful, happy warriors.' Meanwhile, videos of both Democrats angrily snapping at people who are protesting or criticizing them are showing everyone how much of a lie that is. 

If you have to remind people over and over that you are 'joyful and happy,' then you are definitely not either one. 

J.D. Vance doesn't have to tell anyone who or what he is. He just calmly, pleasantly, and cheerfully shows everyone, every day that he really IS the happy warrior.

And damn, but he can make us laugh out loud, can't he?

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