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MSNBC's Kyle Griffin Plays Stupid Game and Wins Stupid Prizes


You hear the left blather on and on about "Faux News". That's because they have zero self awareness. Fox News on its worst day in the Roger Ailes era was never as unhinged, deceptive or irrational as MSNBC on their best day.


Today, the day of the Supreme Court's ruling on Presidential immunity, has the left shown itself to be completely unhinged. We've been all over it all day.

He's MSNBC's OG Twitter troll, Kyle Griffin, right on cue.

We assume that Griffin has at least a room-temperature IQ, so we're concluding that a take this lacking in self-awareness has to be on purpose. Only an MSNBC viewer could be stupid enough to buy this. Oh wait. Maybe Griffin is smarter than we gave him credit for.

Speaking of smart, if he was engagement farming, he got it (yes, that includes this post). But hey, he gets $35 and we get some good laughs. Fair trade. So, let's see if you can pick up on the theme.

What do you mean?

Ah yes, there it is.


Not everyone is this stupid, but then again, not everyone watches MSNBC.

But when they do a fascism, it's only to save democracy.

It's (D)ifferent when we do it!

Where's Church Lady when we need her?

Are you telling us that the defenders of Democracy are the actual by-any-means-necessary authoritarians? The deuce, you say!


If you play stupid, at some point it's indistinguishable from actually being stupid. 

Laugh so you don't cry.


In case you needed a visual. Our Democracy is dying, but don't let the left pretend they're the good guys. Gaslight is no substitute for principles and there's no true interest in preserving our Republic, only in keeping power.


Editor's Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy's conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!

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