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Sean Davis Perfectly (and Disturbingly) Sums Up the Left's SCOTUS Meltdown Over Trump Immunity


In a Supreme Court ruling released earlier today, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a minority opinion that looked more like an audition for a job at MSNBC, but it was enough to start a talking point on the Left, as stupid as it was. Yes, the new narrative is that Trump could now order Seal Team Six to take out political opponents all without consequence. 


That take is embarrassingly stupid, which is exactly why it's been embraced on the Left. 

The Federalist's Sean Davis has a rundown of how the spin unfolded in real time, and it's a doozy: 

Here's the full post from @seanmdav, and it's spot on:

SCOTUS: You can’t just throw your rival in prison because you don’t like him. 

DEMOCRATS: So you’re saying we can drop bombs on him? 

SCOTUS: You really can’t even charge your rival with a crime because his presidency made you mad. 

DEMOCRATS: Got it. So we can incinerate his house with him in it? 

SCOTUS: The Constitution protects officials from being terrorized with lawfare for official actions they undertook while in office. 

DEMOCRATS: Ah. Makes sense. So we can officially assassinate everyone we don’t like? 

SCOTUS: Prosecuting a politician because you don’t like his politics would destroy our country, and we’re not going to allow it. 

DEMOCRATS: Roger that. So what you’re saying is: we are officially allowed to eliminate Trump and the Supreme Court as long as we, like, say it’s official and stuff?


As usual, these Dems are everything they accuse Trump of being.

Tomorrow will bring with it more unhinged takes to dismantle.

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