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Aaron Rupar Fantasizes About Biden Imprisoning Justice Roberts

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

As our own resident lawyer Aaron Walker wrote about earlier, the Supreme Court ruled in Donald Trump's presidential immunity case. Walker summed it up this way: 


… it appears that the Court has said in essence a President/former President is immune from prosecution when he or she is engaged in their official duties, not when it is outside of them and, crucially, the lower courts need to analyze that question first.

As we reported, wise Latina Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in her dissent that the decision meant that the president could have SEAL Team Six execute his political rival and get away with it. That's not even an original thought — last November, when Trump's case was before a three-judge panel in D.C., Judge Florence Pan:

… posed as a hypothetical after Trump attorney D. John Sauer said a president is immune from criminal prosecution if the action in question was an "official duty," asking "can a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival? That’s an official act, an order to SEAL Team Six."

And she's not the first to realize that Biden would possess this same immunity. Back in February, Whoopi Goldberg fantasized that Biden could "throw every Republican in jail." Brilliant political analysis from "The View."

Our own Sam Janney already did a post compiling all of the hottest takes and deepest meltdowns from progressives. Reactions were mixed … it seemed as though Trump had won the SCOTUS case, but the ruling freed up current President Joe Biden to assassinate or imprison Trump today, and some suggested he should have him assassinated. We guess the "engaged in their official duties" part went over their heads.


One progressive of many we missed out on was serial fabulist Aaron Rupar, who broke the mold a little bit by steering away from executing Trump to imprisoning Chief Justice John Roberts:

There's that pesky separation of powers thing again. No, it wouldn't be an "official act."


This guy gets it.

It occurs to us that we haven't checked in on Vox and its Supreme Court reporter, Ian Millhiser. We're certain he'll explain to Rupar et al.


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