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Arizona station says the GOP has 'ramped up a misleading campaign' to cast Democrats as anti-police

Here’s a story about Republicans neither pouncing nor seizing; rather, they’re ramping up. And what they’re ramping up is a misleading campaign to cast Democrats as anti-police.


We guess those marchers demanding that Washington, D.C. abolish the police were Republicans, huh? And so is activist Bree Newsome, whose current Twitter handle is “DEFUND & ABOLISH POLICE, REFUND OUR COMMUNITIES” and who argued that they didn’t need police showing up at the Ma’Khia Bryant incident: “Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons.” (“I know people are uncomfortable when I compare whiteness to cannibalism,” she continued.)

And we guess it was all Republicans on the Minneapolis City Council who voted unanimously to replace the police department with a “community-led public safety system.”

12 News in Arizona reports that it’s Republicans who are ramping up that misleading campaign:

Which caught the eye of The Daily Caller’s Jordan Lancaster:

Sen. Tom Cotton proved that turnabout is fair play with that New York Times op-ed:


It was funny — so many people were saying, yes, we mean it when we say abolish the police, that people like Al Sharpton went on TV explaining that the phrase “defund the police” might be misleading without some interpretation and Rep. James Clyburn warned Democrats against getting drawn into the debate.




Democratic activists couldn’t have made it any clearer that they were 100 percent serious about abolishing the police.


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