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Women: Never, Ever Apologize

AP Photo/John Locher

I have no interest in watching the Olympics, for a variety of reasons. But I did watch the incredibly unfair drama surrounding women's Olympic boxing unfold on social media with nothing but anger and disgust.

Angela Carini was made to box Imane Khelif, and bowed out of the match after 46 seconds. Carini broke down in tears and said it wasn't fair.

Because it wasn't. It's not clear what the deal with Khelif is -- some people say he was born with a vagina and is intersex. We'll ignore for a moment the fact the Left is now saying one's genitals at birth determine sex, after years of saying doctors merely 'assign' sex at birth and focus on the fact the International Boxing Association said Khelif's bloodwork showed XY chromosomes and barred him from their competitions -- a decision Khelif ultimately did not appeal.

Carini said she bowed out because one punch from Khelif hurt too much. And I've already written about teenager Payton McNabb, who was left paralyzed and brain damaged after a boy (who 'identifies' as a girl) spiked a volleyball in her face during a competition.

We've turned the abuse of women into a spectator sport.

And Carini apologized for getting upset about it.

I don't blame her, necessarily. There was probably a lot of pressure on her to issue that apology. As one X user pointed out:

It's always the bullying to apologize.

But there's a larger lesson here for women, especially now as roughly half of the states in the country will allow what happened to Carini to happen to you and your sisters, nieces, and daughters and that lesson is this:

Do not apologize. Ever.

Not for standing up for your rights and your safety. Not for protesting the erasure of the word 'women' from the lexicon, to be replaced by insulting, degrading terms like 'egg producers' and 'womb owners' and 'birthing persons.'

The Left loves to tell us the only 'right' we need to be concerned about is our 'right' to abort our children. That is the extent to which they think our rights begin and end.

They do not think we have a right to free speech.

They do not think we have a right to safe spaces free from men (after decades of telling us all men are dangerous, potential rapists).

They do not think we have a right to single sex sports or scholarship opportunities or not to be punched in the face and seriously injured by a man while competing.

When women working for the UK's National Health Service (NHS) complained about having to change in front of men in their locker rooms, they were suspended for it. Five girls in West Virginia were suspended from track meets for refusing to compete against a boy. A girl in Washington state lost a spot at the state track meet to a boy.

Now -- in real time -- we get to watch women who have trained for years to reach the Olympics, the pinnacle of athletic achievements lose that opportunity to men.

And we're not only expected to shut up and take it, we're criticized if we don't celebrate it enough and forced to apologize for thinking -- correctly -- this is very, very wrong.

Much in the same way the Left expects women traumatized by abortion to keep their mouths shut and take one for the team, they demand the same from us when it comes to men masquerading as women invading our bathrooms, our locker rooms, our sports.

Shut up, ladies, and take one for the team.

It is my hope that when Khelif, or one of the other men in Olympic women's boxing, are on the medal stand (and they will be, let's face it), the tide on this nonsense finally begins to turn back to the course of sanity.

But it may not.

In the meantime, it is up to women -- all women, but especially women directly impacted by this -- to take a stand. Refuse to compete. Refuse to bow down at the altar of transgender nonsense. Refuse to let the Left dictate when, where, and how we get to feel safe from perverted men who -- if not for how they 'identify' -- wouldn't have access to women's spaces.

And, above all, do not apologize.

I don't like to play the victim card, but we are the victims here. We have been relegated to actual second class citizen status, our equality has been usurped by men.

We have every right to point this out, and every right to push back and be angry about it.

And we have nothing to be sorry for in doing so.


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