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Tara Reade
Tara Reade ENDS E. Jean Carroll for Helping George Stephanopoulos Rape-Shame Nancy Mace Over Trump
Sam J.
Tara Reade’s chilling message: ‘All roads lead to Joe Biden’
Aaron Walker
Matt Lamb epically trolls the Bidens by getting Tara Reade's book added to D.C. libraries
Aaron Walker
Joe Biden supporter Alyssa Milano wants to know why it's 'so hard for men accused of sexual harassment to just' own it and apologize
Sarah D
Harris Campaign: It's Trump's Fault That We Screwed Up the Afghanistan Withdrawal
Fascist Efficiency: Trump and Elon Musk Give the Loons Another Excuse to Scream 'FASCISM!'
'Someone's SENSITIVE': Chip Roy ENDS Democrat Rep. Jason Crow in HEATED Back and Forth About Illegals
Cue the Lefty MELTDOWNS: Nate Silver Forecast Has Trump Up BIGLY Over Kamala Harris
Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade to appear on '60 Minutes' Sunday, but there's a catch
Brett T.
'We warned you'! @redsteeze smacks media for torching credibility on sexual assault after Amy Dorris makes allegations against Trump
Sarah D
Ilhan Omar explains why she's still backing Joe Biden for president even though she '[believes] Tara Reade'
Sarah D
SIREN: Rep. Ilhan Omar says she believes Tara Reade
Greg P.
Feminist and anti-Kavanaugh crusader Jill Filipovic is 'still waiting for an apology' from the 'absolutely irresponsible' people who failed to vet Tara Reade
Sarah D
'#MeToo is dead': Susan Faludi and fellow Real Feminists™ are in full-on 'panicked backpedaling' mode to rewrite history on #BelieveAllWomen
Sarah D
D'OH! Donna Brazile thinks sharing WaPo piece pushing differences between Tara Reade and Blasey-Ford is smart, she thought wrong
Sam J.
'This thread is amazing': Drew Holden's compare/contrast on media's Tara Reade vs. Christine Blasey Ford coverage speaks VOLUMES
Doug P.
'Incredible shamelessness': Politico reports Biden accuser Tara Reade 'left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances' (they took a VERY different approach with Christine Blasey Ford)
Doug P.
'They’ve totally botched this': Guy Benson calls out Salon for 'incoherent, conspiratorial hit job' on his recent piece about Tara Reade [screenshots]
Sarah D
Well, that settles it! PBS has given Jennifer Rubin all the proof she needs that Joe Biden didn't sexually assault Tara Reade
Sarah D
Joe Biden's senior adviser Symone D. Sanders offers up 'a perfect demonstration of the Democratic #MeToo double standard' [video]
Sarah D
WUT? Joe Biden's FULL quote about Tara Reade and how anyone who believes her shouldn't vote for him is a DOOZY
Sam J.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer believes the vast majority of sexual assault allegations are true, but not Tara Reade's
Brett T.
Chuck Schumer thinks #MeToo was great and all, but Joe Biden's 'explanation' for Tara Reade allegations is 'sufficient' and Dems need to win [video]
Sarah D
Stacey Abrams says that the fact that she believes Joe Biden over Tara Reade speaks to 'who I am' [video]
Sarah D
Photos answer the question of whether Joe Biden would stick his finger in a woman's face
Brett T.
MUST-READ THREAD: Stanford prof. UNLOADS on Hillary hack Jennifer Palmieri over her 'complex discomfort' supporting Joe Biden
Greg P.
Court document shows Tara Reade told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed while working for Joe Biden
Brett T.
'Your move, DNC': Tara Reade drops #BelieveWomen bomb, blows up Democratic narrative [video]
Sarah D
'The mask is completely off': Dem Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Amy Klobuchar's responses to questions about Tara Reade say it all
Sarah D
'You and I were there, Joe Biden': Tara Reade tears into Joe Biden and Biden campaign in new clip from Megyn Kelly interview [video]
Sarah D
'Massive hypocrite': GOP rapid response director shreds AOC's #MeToo double standards in the 'golden thread of the week'
Doug P.
'A ton of news coming': Megyn Kelly (not CNN, not MSNBC) teases upcoming on-camera interview with Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade
Sarah D
'Well, there you go'! AOC notes Tara Reade has 'never explicitly said 'don't support Joe Biden' after her 'not clear cut' allegations
Doug P.
Weird! @redsteeze notices something missing from Christiane Amanpour's interview with Stacey Abrams about allegations against Joe Biden [video]
Sarah D
Blue-checked 'advocate of feminism and equality' reaps the ratio whirlwind for her willingness to throw Tara Reade to the wolves [screenshots]
Sarah D
Nancy Pelosi 2018: Believe all women -- Pelosi 2020: RULE CHANGE! (And now she's declared it a 'closed issue') [video]
Doug P.
'The very worst virtue signaling I've seen': #MeToo's death rattle rings out in this NYT opinion piece on Tara Reade and Joe Biden
Sarah D
Jonathan Chait makes compelling (read: horrendously awful) case for ignoring Tara Reade's allegations against Joe Biden
Sarah D
'I smell a TV show'! Sean Spicier's 'condolences' to Dems for country reopening and Biden zingers ENRAGE frothy-mouthed Lefties
Sam J.
'Changing the rules': NYT's Michelle Goldberg pulls off impressive feats of intellectual gymnastics in piece comparing Christine Blasey Ford with Tara Reade
Sarah D
'Greatest tweet ever sent'? Jennifer Rubin's take on Sen. Susan Collins has got to be right up there
Sarah D
Gee, what could the Bulwark's Charlie Sykes be suggesting with this thread about Biden accuser Tara Reade?
Sarah D
Drew Holden releases his Tara Reade 'Hypocrisy Hall of Fame' list. Did your favorite lib make the cut?
Greg P.
NYT's Ben Smith casually reports that Tara Reade said she turned down Fox News interview after receiving death threats
Sarah D
Shot/Chaser ALERT! CNN analyst Joe Lockhart's tweet shaming GOP over Kavanaugh bites him RIGHT on his hypocritical a*s
Sam J.
'More like Dems ABORTED it': Molly Jong-Fast accusing the Right of trying to kill #MeToo movement goes OH so very wrong
Sam J.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who 'will never stop fighting for survivors of sexual assault,' to host 'Women for Biden' call
Doug P.
New York Magazine makes an amazing statement about the Joe Biden Campaign -- Tara Reade is breaking the strategy of Joe not being seen nor heard
Brad S.
UNHINGED: Kurt Eichenwald attacks Tara Reade in such a hateful and graphic thread even WE won't include all of his tweets
Sam J.
Who they REALLY are --> Lisa Bloom, who once defended Weinstein, believes 'handsy' Biden is a predator BUT will vote for him anyway
Sam J.
So we're here now: Debra Messing pushes alleged Tara Reade smear from a Medium post by Ed Krassenstein
Brett T.
LA Times columnist suggests great Joe Biden campaign slogan: 'He’s not perfect, but he’s not Donald Trump'
Brett T.
'This is false': Tara Reade pushes back against AP headline saying her report didn't refer to sexual harassment
Brett T.
BOOM: @redsteeze puts a mushroom cloud over Team Obama's claim to have thoroughly vetted Joe Biden
Doug P.