If Jennifer Rubin didn’t already exist, we’d have to invent her. Though we’re honestly not sure we’d even be capable of coming up with someone as jaw-droppingly insane as she is.
We’ll start with this, which she tweeted earlier this week:
the burden is always on the prosecutor/claimant. That's the essence of our system of justice https://t.co/gKUlOYH70a
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 3, 2020
On its face, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that tweet. But given the fact that she’s Jennifer Rubin, it’s actually pretty appalling.
now do Kavanaugh
— tj detweiler (@dsonoiki) May 3, 2020
Unless of course, your last name is Kavanaugh. Then the burden is on the accused.
— Gusdog481 (@Gusdog481) May 3, 2020
Are you seriously tweeting this? Where were you during the Kavanaugh hearing? I guarantee you weren't saying this.
— unitedstateser (@unitedstateser) May 3, 2020
She wasn’t:
Dude pic.twitter.com/VpCCsNiytQ
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 5, 2020
.@JRubinBlogger Do you know what’s it actually like to be you? pic.twitter.com/qLmGdxot6n
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 5, 2020
This woman is truly unbelievable. She repeatedly tweeted during the Kavanaugh debacle about how Blasey-Ford's "corroboration" and polygraph meant he should be rejected, but turns on a dime when her political interests demand. And doesn't think anyone will notice?!? https://t.co/gxsFkkEqgS pic.twitter.com/a3hPWGMpHM
— Dodd (@Amuk3) May 5, 2020
Could Jennifer Rubin get any more ridiculous? The answer to that question is, of course, a resounding yes.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold:
Ratcliffe tells Susan Collins politics won’t interfere in providing his intelligence analysis. “Thank you for that strong response,” Collins says. He later adds he “won’t shade Intelligence for anyone.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) May 5, 2020
She has become a self-parody
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 5, 2020
Holy projection, Batman.
I present to you the greatest tweet ever sent. pic.twitter.com/yoRwuVcpAY
— Phil (@philllosoraptor) May 5, 2020
It’s gotta be right up there.
What does that make you?
— Rubin's Lobotomy (@RichardPainter0) May 5, 2020
You have no self awareness
— The Elephant in the Room with Bradley Devlin (@TEITR_podcast) May 5, 2020
Are you aware that you are Jen Rubin?
— Bambino45 (@michcusejac5) May 5, 2020
Look in the mirror.
— Socialism is Evil (@dlh8) May 5, 2020
Twitter should be folding in on itself now. https://t.co/FkMSYpBZLo
— Chris Jackson (@cpjackson79) May 5, 2020
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