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Movement Is DEAD: Guess How Many BLM Protesters Showed Up to Protest Death of Guy You Never Heard Of

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

When this post about a Black Lives Matter protest in New York City over the death of Robert Brooks (who we've never even heard of) crossed our timeline we were suddenly reminded of how long it's been since we last wrote about this 'movement', and it's been a minute. So beyond the fact that not even 20 people showed up to protest the death of Brooks (again, no idea who he was), the fact we hardly ever write about them anymore says so much about them.


And ain't none of it any good.

Seriously, if you're on the Left or of the Leftist persuasion and even we're not making fun of you anymore? Yikes. Time to pack it up.

Check this out:

You wouldn't even know this was a protest if some of them didn't have a sign. Otherwise it would just look like a group hanging out walking around ... and being all pissed off about it.

Remember 2020? Yeah. Seems all of America does and we're never going back to that nonsense.

Think about that as well. Trump won. EASILY. He defeated a so-called black woman even ... and nothing from them? Nothing noticeable that is. You'd think there would be fires in the streets and Targets looted but nope. Maybe it's too cold for their bulls**t?


Or as End Wokeness suggests, maybe their movement is just over.

See? We had the same reaction.


Heh again.

Their grift made a lot of people very wealthy, this is true.

They never have and they never will.

Guess so.




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