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WATCHING Jen Psaki Call the Race FOR TRUMP 1 of the Most Glorious Moments of Schadenfreude EVER (Video)

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

There were many wonderful moments last night as Trump's win became more and more evident, and while we greatly enjoyed Rachel Maddow losing her mind (again), watching Jen Psaki have to call the race for Trump on MSNBC was truly a *chef's kiss*.


You know she HATED this, so much.

Which makes it even more satisfying.


Guess that whole circling back thing didn't work out so hot for ol' Jen.

Or Biden.

Or Kamala.

And indeed, what an epic day!



They always accuse the Right of what they're doing.

Awww yes, the picture of all pictures.

You love to see it.

Honestly, we can't wait to see it again in January, 2025.



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