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'BRAGGED About It': Mike Pompeo WRECKS Kamala by Setting Afghanistan Withdrawal Record STRAIGHT and DAMN

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

As Kamala Harris continues to plummet in the polls, she and her handlers are working very hard to rewrite her history, especially the very large part she played in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in 13 dead military service members and BILLIONS of dollars of American weapons and vehicles in the hands of the Taliban. And as usual, their go-to on the Left is to blame Trump.


Shocking, right?

Welp, Mike Pompeo is not about to let that go ... talk about a fact-NUKE.

His post continues:

Kamala bragged about being the “last person in the room” setting the strategy.

Biden & Kamala are directly responsible. And Kamala’s attempt to pass the buck won’t work and, sadly, is an injustice to all who served us all in Afghanistan for years.


Yeah, there's a lot of that from Lefties responding on his post ... like Fred Wellman. 

Gotta love the Never Trumpers who conveniently leave out the conditions that had to be met before we withdrew from Afghanistan. Biden chose to withdraw even though it was obvious it was a mistake.

And Kamala has bragged about how she was the last person in the room when the decision was made.


She. Owns. This.



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