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Sounds SUPER Dictator-y --> Kamala Straight-Up BRAGS About Ending Freedom of Speech If Elected (Watch)

Grok AI via @Huff4Congress

Kamala Harris is promising that if elected she will use her DOJ to silence Americans online. Yup. Anything she and/or her administration deems misinformation or hate will get censored.


How very dictator-y. Her Marxist father must be proud.

Hey, at least Kamala is being honest about her authoritarian plans for America if stupid people actually elect her. And yes, we say stupid people because only morons would vote for an agenda like this in AMERICA. Speaking of morons, how nice of Liz Cheney to endorse Kamala right before she flat-out tells everyone she will censor Americans online.

Watch this:

She's proud of it.

Tell us you don't understand how important freedom of speech really is without telling us, Kamala.

We can't understand how anyone could vote FOR this but then again, it is 2024 and people have proven they will vote for stupid even if stupid will not only hurt them but the country as well. See Joe Biden.


And absolutely bats**t.

Media is the only reason she's still in this at all.

Then the rest will fall.

Vote accordingly.



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