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LOL! In Honor of Chuck Schumer's HUMILIATING BBQ Debacle Here's OTHER Dems Failing to Fake Being Normal

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

As Twitchy readers know, Chuck Schumer was dragged so spectacularly for making a complete TOOL of himself pretending to barbecue on Father's Day from his lesbian daughter's backyard that he ultimately deleted his post (not to mention the moobs on that guy! Yikes!). When we originally saw the post, we couldn't help but think back to the time when Terry McAuliffe faked his own barbecue to con Virginians into thinking he was one of us.


Yeah, that didn't go over very well either.

Neither did the fake neo-Nazis Terry tried to claim were Youngkin supporters but that's another story.

Anyway ...

What's really funny about all of this is just how incapable Democrats are of even pretending to be normal Americans. Schumer is far from the first Lefty doofus to get caught with a fake photo trying to 'connect' with the little people. Here are some other elites who tried their hand at being normies, and who failed a lot.


Because they think we're too stupid to notice how stupid they are about the people they supposedly represent.

Who could forget the OG?


Look at how normal Liz Warren is, drinking a beer and stuff.

Or Kamala Harris dancing in the rain?


Biden doing something normal like eating ice cream is so rad and stuff ... 

It's so normal and totally ok for him to eat ice cream while the rest of the country goes to Hell.

This editor's personal favorite, however, is the time Ralph Northam tried to show the world he could moonwalk so they'd believe the only time he actually wore blackface was to dress up as Michael Jackson for Halloween.


Remember when Democrats were the party of the blue-collar worker? The middle class? HA!




Like Father Like Son? Biden's Father's Day Post BACKFIRES in a Gloriously Hilarious Way and OOF

Biden Sharing Pic of Himself with 'Good Friends' Obama and Jimmy Kimmel Does NOT Go As Planned (Clearly!)

John Collins Learns the Hard Way What Happens When You Ask Republican Women a STUPID, Sexist Question

BOOMITY --> Kid Rock Pushes SPECTACULAR Middle-Class Campaign for Trump with Just 1 Perfect Pic-Tweet

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Makes BRUTAL Dig at Gavin Newsom and HIS Southern Border and He Just Can't DEEEAL


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