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LOOK on MSNBC Host's Face Is PRICELESS As Unhinged Michael Cohen Rants About How SCARY Trump IS (Watch)

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

Michael Cohen seems nervous.


Paranoid. Unhinged. Neurotic. Off. Out of it. Unhinged. CRAZY.

Even a little bats**t. Almost as if he had a vested interest in making sure Trump was found guilty.



Wonder why that could be?


The post continues:

... from getting together and creating "a militia" against him."He's already said that he intends to use SEAL Team start rounding up his political enemies," Cohen espoused.


Dude needs to cut down on his caffeine intake. Seriously.

The post continues:

... but the left wants to convince you that somehow a second Trump presidency will magically be a dictatorship.

Sorry, bro, they tried to pretend he was a dictator once before and yeah, that was BS. In fact, they went on to 'fortify' the election and put a Botox-Brained zombie dictator in the White House. Funny how that worked out.

And not funny 'ha ha,' funny ironic.

Even Velshi looks a little uncomfortable with how nutty Cohen is. Oh sure, he likely loves it because A) Cohen hates Trump now and B) all MSNBC cares about is hating on Trump but still ... Velshi should probably keep his fingers away from Cohen's mouth. 


Just sayin'.

It's bad now. It will be ATROCIOUS by October.


We see what they did here and it's a MASTERPIECE!

Not sure there's enough mental help in the world for this dude.




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