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HA! J.K. Rowling's Response to Being Shamed for 'Cruelly' Mocking Transgender Football Mgr. is LEGEND

Fuzzy Chimp

You'd think by now news outlets like the Daily Mail Online would have learned to read the room when it comes to J.K. Rowling taking the trans-movement head-on. We're pretty sure she's not overly concerned about being shamed when it comes to calling men in women's spaces out.


Her response to the Daily Mail Online after they wrote an entire article about her 'cruelty' to the transgender football manager is already a classic.

It all started here:

She didn't mock him.

And as she further explains, she didn't compare him to a man.

He IS a man.


So much boom.

Good question.

Good answer.

Dude does NOT look like a lady.

Fathering three kids seems like pretty solid proof to us ... 


It's common seense.

It's reality.

True story.



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