When we are reading so many stories about horrible students doing horrible things on college campuses all around the country, tormenting and even terrorizing Jewish students, a thread like this from UNC student Guillermo Estrada about protecting the American flag from pro-Palestinian protesters actually gives us hope.
Hope for this country.
Hope for our people.
Hope for Gen Z.
This thread is so good we'll let it speak (mostly) for itself. Take a look:
(Thread) Today was a sad yet empowering day at Chapel Hill. When I walked to class, I saw the Palestinian flag raised on our quad flag pole, and was immediately upset at the act that these “protestors” had made. I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict pic.twitter.com/tZrZEOSu8a
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
Keep going.
but it upset me that my country's flag was disrespected in order to advocate for another.
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
Shortly after, Chancellor Roberts came with police officers to hang the flag once again. They were met with profanity, middle fingers, thrown bottles, rocks, and water.
The protests are so peaceful they're throwing bottles and rocks at people.
When the flag was raised once again, the greek community began singing the National anthem. As the Chancellor left, the quad erupted into chaos as protestors began removing the flag once again, preparing to destroy it.
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
Because you know, SO peaceful.
This is where it gets really good.
My fraternity brother and others ran over to hold it up, in order for it not to touch the ground. People began throwing water bottles at us, rocks, sticks, calling us profane names. We stood for an hour defending the flag so many fight to protect.
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
They stood for an hour protecting the American flag.
Our hearts.
My parents started a new life in the United States, a country that has helped them flourish and raise two kids. I grew up in a Military community and saw first hand the sacrifices they make. I will not stand for the disrespect these "protestors"
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
cause for the sake of another country.
— Guillermo Estrada (@estradguillermo) April 30, 2024
My LDOC will be memorable in knowing that my fraternity brothers and others fought to keep the flag up. But it was also be memorable in knowing that so many yearn to disrespect it.
So. Good.
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