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You KNOW Biden's Southern Border Is a DISASTER When Reuters Asks Babylon Bee If Their Border Joke Is TRUE


The Babylon Bee is really good at what they do.

So good, in fact, that Reuters emailed their Editor-in-Chief, Kyle Mann, to ask if their story about ballot boxes installed at the border wall was true. To be fair, we're not sure if this is a reflection on the Bee being THAT GOOD or Biden's border being THAT BAD.


Perhaps we should learn to embrace the power of and.

Take a look at this:

Now THAT is funny.

Hey, it is Reuters - we wouldn't put anything past them.

Ain't it?

What a bunch of a-holes.


Never change, Reuters.



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Umm, Election Interference?! Fani Willis Better Buckle Up After Being Caught in Another WHOPPER of a Lie

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Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Also, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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