If it's perverse to understand the actions of Hamas against thousands of innocent Israeli men, women, children, and BABIES was 'the worst' we suppose that makes this editor perverse. Honestly, we don't get how anyone anywhere can defend terrorists who would behead babies ...
Like Sarah Leah Whitson, the Executive Director of the so-called Human Rights organization DAWN did in this thread.
Take a look:
There’s this perverse need to label Hamas and its atrocities as “the worst”. But what’s the criteria? Numbers of children slaughtered? Babies left to die? Journalists targeted? Soldiers mocking victims and burning food before a starving population? Certainly as a quantitative… https://t.co/XT4MSjIHoz
— Sarah Leah Whitson (@sarahleah1) December 17, 2023
Hoo boy.
To wit: https://t.co/iFph4eXKLu
— Sarah Leah Whitson (@sarahleah1) December 17, 2023
To wit.
So edgy.
— Sarah Leah Whitson (@sarahleah1) December 17, 2023
Sure they did.
It should be clearer to all why it was so important for Israeli officials to make up lies eg “beheaded babies”, “babies burned in ovens” & “mass systematic rape” (dutifully repeated at highest levels of western governments & still believed/repeated as truth by many). Only way to…
— Sarah Leah Whitson (@sarahleah1) December 17, 2023
Notice how quick she is to believe terrorists ... that says a lot and ain't none of it any good.
May nobody take you or whatever organization you’re involved with seriously again. You ruined any good name they may have had with such a despicable and tone deaf post. What’s “perverse” is that women and girls were raped. Their breasts were cut off and played with. If THAT is…
— Rebecca Downs🇺🇸🟦🇮🇱 (@RebeccaRoseGold) December 17, 2023
Maybe she should have to sit through the raw footage like journalists have.
Your post reminds me of the expression that just because you’re free to write something doesn’t mean you should.
— Ben R (@BenRNJ) December 17, 2023
Good expression.
War isn't an exercise in accounting sweetie. The side with higher casualties don't automatically become the good guys. If you start a war with Israel, you deal with the consequences.
— Israel Joffe (@IsraelJoffe) December 17, 2023
Interesting how none of them ever seem to acknowledge WHO attacked who and WHO broke the ceasefire.
Moms Demand LOON Losing Her Mind Over Toy Gun Display in Sporting Goods Store Goes HILARIOUSLY Wrong
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