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WATCH (Lack of) Education Secretary Cardona TOTALLY Butcher Famous Reagan Quote About Government


When the Biden administration shows you who they really are, BELIEVE THEM. Especially when it's the yahoo Joe has chosen as the Secretary of Education trying to quote Reagan.


Too bad he got it really really really wrong and instead totally showed us who he and honestly the Democrats really are.

They are here 'to help.' 

And by help, we mean control, manipulate, indoctrinate, use, etc. etc.

Watch this:

He thinks it was Reagan ... dude. BRO.

Just stop.


They're really not.

And the real quote ...


Learn it. Live it. Know it.



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Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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