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YAAAS! Loudoun County Students SLAM Woke School Board and Gender Neutral Bathrooms in Their Schools


Just when we had given up all hope when it comes to younger generations we find ourselves wondering if maybe there IS hope after seeing this out of Loudoun County. Yup, you read that right, seeing something GOOD in that county.


Students telling woke adults 'in charge' to get it together.

Whoda thunk?

Well well well, whaddya know? Maybe the imbeciles on the Loudoun County School Board will learn a thing or two from the students they are supposedly working for. We're not exactly holding our breath but it could happen.

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.



Let's go!

As we said before ... there may actually be hope for the future yet.



J.K. Rowling Shuts VICE and Their Thread Defending Pro-Palestine Protesters DOWN With 1 Brutal Post

D-Bag Journo Digging for Dirt on Amy Schumer AFTER She Defended Israel Doubles DOWN on Being a D-Bag

Have You Tried Crying MORE? AOC Learns the Hard Way Ain't NOBODY Buyin' the Islamophobia BS Like, at ALL

BOO HOO! Ilhan Omar Melts DOWN Because 'SOME PEOPLE Did SOME THING' by Connecting Her Directly to Hamas

Kamala Harris LITERALLY Becomes Famous Norm McDonald Islamophobia Joke in Real-Time and It's PERFECT


Editor's Note: Hi there. I know it's been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ALSO, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don't want us sharing.

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