User @JewishWonk was live-tweeting the Harvard Graduate Student Union special meeting about Israel-Palestine and whether or not they should condemn Hamas. Seems odd to us that there would need to be a debate around condemning terrorists but you know, we're not Harvard smart.
It all started here:
Live-tweeting the Harvard Graduate Student Union (HGSU) special meeting tonight about Israel-Palestine on this thread. You are encouraged to mute the thread if you don't want this cluttering your feed.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Keep going:
The HBSU meeting began by the leadership reading a statement from doxxed students, including comments highly critical of Israel
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Highly critical of Israel.
Gosh, that's shocking.
A speaker asked that if condemnations are being made against Hamas, that they should also condemn Israel's "genocide" against Palestinians.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Procedural moves now to categorize different statements proposed by union members.
There it is, the 'bad guys on both sides' even though we wouldn't be here if Hamas hadn't attacked Israel.
A participant asked how they will reconcile statements if multiple statements get support from membership.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
The secretary says any number of resolutions can be adopted if supported by the membership.
Yadda yadda yadda.
A participant is asking how the union is reconciling its decision that he claims was adopted to not comment on international affairs, noting that they didn't comment on Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Iranian repression, etc...
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Rep says they did take a position on Ukraine. "5 emails."
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Other talking point is that it participates on issues impacting union members.
Additional talking point that the resolution is not binding on membership, which can take positions on any issues they deem fit to.
A participant speaks up saying that he believes the union should be narrowly focused on issues on campus, notably the safety of students and members, including narrowly focusing on the recent issue of doxing students.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Member asks how "asynchronous voting" will work (I believe for members who are not present).
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Secretary says not all statements will require voting? (I think those that don't get support at meeting?) Seeking to assess the "temperature" of current participants on statements.
And here we go.
They are now talking about my tweeting and encouraging members not to share information with me, arguing that the deliberations should be private.They are encouraging members to report my account.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Motion to condemn members who share information with me.
Motion passes unanimously
They are now discussing whether to adjourn the meeting as a result of my coverage.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
Members are concerned for their safety following doxing. One in particular expressed concern about names being associated with particular votes.
I will not be sharing any names of participants.
It's hard to be trash anti-Semites when there's a Jew in the room taking notes and making their meeting public.
Comments in support and against for adjourning the meeting.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
They are now voting whether to adjourn the meeting.
Wait for it.
The membership has voted for the meeting to continue. However, my access to the meeting has been successfully cut off.
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) October 16, 2023
They kicked him out. Classy.
The Harvard Graduate Student Union debated condemning Hamas.
— Rabbi Josh Yuter (@JYuter) October 17, 2023
They voted unanimously to condemn anyone who'd speak with @JewishWonk
Whoever looks to these people for moral authority deserves what they get.
When people show you who they really are, believe them.
HA! Mary Katharine Ham Just Needs One Post to Nuke Biden's 'Help Gazans/Scare Hamas' Plan From Orbit
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