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Gloves Dropped: Greg Gutfeld Takes a Flamethrower to the Mainstream Media in an EPIC Monologue

The behavior of the mainstream media in the wake of Donald Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery last week on the third anniversary of the attack on Abbey Gate in Afghanistan that left 13 U.S. servicemembers dead has been predictably abysmal. 


Twitchy has covered much of the reaction for the past several days. As a reminder, the media has ignored the fact that the Gold Star families of the servicemembers killed invited Trump, as well as the fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were also invited but snubbed the ceremony and the families. They have accused Trump of using the occasion as a 'political prop,' again ignoring that it was the families who asked for pictures and that other politicians (including Biden) have done the same thing in the past. 

Most disgracefully, they have ignored these families when they should have been inviting them all to speak on the anniversary of the loss of their loved ones. When CNN did have one mother on, they pressured her into condemning Trump and then got mad when she shifted the topic to where it should be: Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Obviously, the media's behavior is designed to deflect from Biden and Harris's massive failure and to do anything they can to shift attention away from that.

We've recapped all of this media malfeasance today because last night, the entire clown show became too much for Greg Gutfeld to tolerate. On his late-night talk show on Fox News, Gutfeld cracked open an entire KEG of whoop-ass on the media and their cowardly behavior. Watch:

[Note: Most of the NSFW language is bleeped out here, but the network censors didn't catch all of it.]


'These a**holes.' We couldn't have said it any better ourselves. 

Gutfeld also hilariously laid into Harris, Tim Walz, Biden, and some other Democrat politicians during his monologue, but the bulk of his ire was reserved for the media. In the final minute, he recounts so many of the lies that the media tell -- by commission or omission -- to try to control reality. 

We might even go so far as to say, 'BOOMITY.'

Not a single one of those networks showed the testimonials from the Gold Star families defending Trump for having their back and blasting Biden and Harris for bearing (and avoiding) the responsibility for dead soldiers, sailors, and Marines. 

In case you missed that -- or even if you saw it, but want to see it again because it is just that devastating -- here it is: 

These people deserve nothing but respect, which is what Trump has given them. Meanwhile, Harris, her supporters, and the media are attacking them. 


Toward the end of the monologue, Gutfeld nailed the issue precisely. Trump -- or the media's hatred of Trump, to be more accurate -- has made them sloppy, and 'they end up showing their cards and exposing the game.'

Millions did see it. Gutfeld! is consistently one of the highest (often the highest) rated late-night shows every week. But some people might not know that because the show's numbers often get excluded from ratings reports. 

Surprise, surprise. 


That he did. The rest of the media always gives him great material to shred, but this was one of his best. 

An apt GIF if there ever was one. He incinerated them. 

Will the mainstream media change because Gutfeld held up a mirror to their faces to show them how ugly and buffoonish they are? Of course not. There's big money in gaslighting Americans. 

But we're grateful to Gutfeld for this monologue anyway. He stood up for families that deserved to be defended, not attacked. Yes, he stood up for Trump too, but he knows that Trump has a thick skin and is used to this. That's not what piqued his ire last night. It was the topic that fired him up. 

But it's also helpful for him to say these things, regardless of how the media reacts. Because he has a huge platform that reaches millions of people. If he can open a few eyes among those millions, then it is a success. 

Also, not to put too fine a point on it, but Greg Gutfeld is funny AF. 

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