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Ben Shapiro Announces the Retirement of RAP SUPERSTAR Dr. Dreidel


The song FACTS by Tom McDonald featuring Ben Shapiro has been DOMINATING! Sadly, it has dropped from the number one spot on iTunes and Ben has announced 'Dr. Dreidle' is retiring from the rap scene. (NOOOOOoooOOOO!!!)


We are genuinely sad about this. If you have not heard the song or seen the video we encourage you to go do that now and come back when you are done. We loved it. Ben was really good. We may be biased as we liked Ben before he became a rap God but even people who may not have liked Ben before were all over YouTube with good reviews.


We have no idea how anyone can top all of that in 2024. We do not say that as a taunt to the universe to throw us into some kind of horrible chaos, we are just saying it was a lot of fun to watch and see Shapiro play into it.

We are sad it is all coming to an end and we were not the only ones. People on X were sad about it as well. Some even had suggestions for his next musical venture.

We would say it will never happen but we never thought Dr. Dreidel would be a thing either so we will never say never when discussing Ben Shapiro ever again. Ron Coleman was thinking about Ben never saying never as well.



Say what you want about X (formerly Twitter) but the site is full of fun if you want to find it. It is not always depressing and sad.

It probably is the last time we get called that by him. :( BUMMER!

Do not give us false hope Kassy Dillon. That is just mean for no reason!

HA! Look, we know we said never say never but we are going to say that one is most likely never going to happen!

RIP Dr. Dreidel: Gone too soon but he will live on in our hearts and minds FOREVER!

While we might not be lucky enough for Dr. Dreidle to return, maybe we can get a consolation prize with Ben Shapiro singing 'My Heart Will Go On' in a beautiful angelic choir boy voice. Ben? Maybe? If anyone has a direct line to Shapiro tell him what we want.  =================================================================================
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