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PLEASE, Run With This! Ron Filipkowski Really Likes This New 'Unleashed' Version of Tim Walz


Sometimes you read a post and think it absolutely has to be a parody, because it's so outlandish and stupid that it couldn't possibly be serious.

But then you see who wrote the post and you realize that, yeah, they're totally serious.


Which makes it even funnier.

Ron Filipkowski is the king of opening his mouth and inserting his foot, like the time he accidentally admitted Jussie Smollett lied about the 'Trump supporter attack.'

And he's done it again, giving praise to the 'unleashed' version of Tim Walz that we're seeing:

We're fine with this, because let's recap what this version of Walz has said recently:

He's cheered the decline of Tesla stock, threatening the jobs of tens of thousands of Tesla workers (some of whom had to vote for Kamala Harris).

Challenged Trump supporters to a WWE-style match, because he thinks he can kick our butts.

Wondered why Democrats' messaging isn't resonating with voters while rambling about Trump.

Exposed how racist and xenophobic he really is.

Whined about Trump calling out Elizabeth Warren's cultural appropriation.

Oh, and he's probably running for POTUS in 2028.

Please, keep Timmy off the leash. He's doing such a good job!


We saw some of Timmy's weirdness bubble up during the debate, and it didn't help him win. It actually hurt the ticket, including in Minnesota.

But we won't stop the Left from making Walz a thing.

They deserve one another.

Because he's an idiot and a very shallow, petty man.

Although his saying he 'made friends' with school shooters was one of the funniest things this writer has ever seen.

The Left thinks if they keep pushing the things voters rejected, it'll boomerang back and finally work in their favor.

And how police shot people sitting on their porches with paintballs?

In the name of 'safety' of course.


The Left always thinks the issue isn't the message, but the messaging.


Oh, wait, he's serious.


Voters rejected him for a reason.

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