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Trump’s Turn: Lefties Cry Foul As the ‘Rules’ They Wrote Come Back to Haunt Them

AP Photo/Ben Curtis

I've had almost a decade of trying to figure out exactly what it is about President Donald Trump that makes the Left become so utterly unglued. 

There are some parts I understand. Take the so-called 'Never Trump' conservatives, for example. Jennifer Rubin, Charlie Sykes, Bill Kristol, Tom Nichols. I get why they hate Trump. For starters, he put an end to their grift as noble conservatives who thrived with their side were the gracious losers. 

They also harbor a deep-seated contempt for voters like me: working-class people who got fed up with the Washington Generals of Punditry forcing another milquetoast candidate on us, one who would bend over backward to appease the Left. When voters decided to stop listening to them and nominated Donald Trump in 2016, they were livid that we had stopped obeying them. They were our moral and intellectual betters, after all! How dare we not blindly follow their lead!

After giving us the failed candidacies of John McCain and Mitt Romney, whose electoral defeats allowed Barack Obama to sow the racial division and civil strife that still exists in American society, voters were done being called 'bitter clingers' and ignored.

I freely admit that I was Never Trump in 2016. I voted for Gary Johnson that year and I don't regret it. But I also acknowledged Donald Trump won the election fair and square, and if we could survive (barely, in some cases) eight years of Barack Obama, we'd do okay with Donald Trump. When his first administration wasn't the complete disaster many said it would be (in fact, until COVID it was pretty solid) and the Democrats put up an obviously unwell Joe Biden, I pulled the lever for Trump in 2020.

But Trump lost.

What happened after that was the stuff of dystopian works of fiction.

Hellbent on making sure Donald Trump was never president again, the Democrats not only impeached him after he was out of office, but they also engaged in massive, and probably illegal, attempts to land Trump in legal hot water. If they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, they were going to win in the jury box. No matter the cost.

It was lawfare, pure and simple.

They failed, and Trump was reelected.

Now they're the ones who are panicking because they no longer have the levers of power:

More from Politico:

President Donald Trump on Friday walked into the Department of Justice and labeled his courtroom opponents 'scum,' judges 'corrupt' and the prosecutors who investigated him 'deranged.'

With the DOJ logo directly behind him, Trump called his political opponents lawbreakers and said others should be sent to prison.

'These are people that are bad people, really bad people,' the president said in a rambling speech that lasted more than an hour.

While condemning officials who directed the military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and repeating his false claims about the 2020 election being stolen, Trump said: 'The people who did this to us should go to jail.'

In remarks that were by turns dark, exultant and pugnacious, Trump vowed to remake the Justice Department and retaliate against his enemies, some of whom he called 'thugs.'

Gee, it's hard to imagine why President Trump feels this way about his political opponents. It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

But only if you work at Politico.

We'll start with Liz Cheney, who is enjoying unemployment after her shameful attempt to 'defend democracy' via the January 6 Committee hearings got her ousted from Congress in a landslide.

Cheney -- who will swear on a stack of Bibles that Donald Trump is a fascist -- engaged in witness tampering, obstruction of justice, and hid evidence that exonerated Donald Trump.

If she didn't do those things, why did Joe Biden give her and other Committee members preemptive pardons?

I thought no one was above the law.

The 50-plus 'intelligence officials' who signed the Hunter Biden laptop letter did so knowing full well they were doing so to help Joe Biden mislead the American people and win an election. The Atlantic tried to play the 'how were we supposed to know it was a bad idea?!' card after President Trump stripped Brennan and those other officials of their security clearances. But they knew exactly what they were doing.

Last, but certainly not least, we have the legal cases against Trump. The 'hush money' case in Manhattan was a three-ring circus of malicious prosecution. Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg alleged Trump of paying hush money with campaign funds to Stormy Daniels, filing 34 counts of falsifying business records against Trump. There is no other world in which charges of such a nature are brought against someone.

Except for Donald Trump.

And why? So the Left could label him a 'convicted felon', one so dangerous he was sentenced to -- *checks notes* -- 'unconditional discharge', thus proving the entire thing was political.

I'm not exactly sure what the Left hoped would happen here. Did they think they could engage in lawfare against Donald Trump (and certain segments of the American citizenry) and not be held accountable eventually? Kamala Harris losing the election was the voters' retribution for four years of a bad economy and a weaponized DOJ that labeled parents, veterans, and Catholics as white supremacist domestic terrorists.

President Trump's retribution -- no, pursuit of justice -- is just beginning.

The Left is also telegraphing their next move, with former Acting Assistant AG for National Security Mary McCord going on MSNBC to tell DOJ officials who assist Trump that they will face 'legal accountability':

I suppose we should thank McCord for making it even clearer why Trump needs to clear the rot from the government. They won't stop harassing him if he doesn't.

It won't stop with Donald Trump, either. Going back to Reagan, each elected Republican was LITERALLY HITLER. Until the next guy came along. The Left was marching with effigies of supposed war criminal George W. Bush until they pined for the days when he was a 'decent Republican.' 

During the brief moment it seemed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' political star was ascending, the Left was already claiming DeSantis would be more dangerous than Trump, who is LITERALLY HITLER.

See the game here?

I sure do.

Anyway, throughout the years of political persecution aimed at Trump, the Left came back to the same mantra: if you did nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide.

So if Trump's alleged political opponents did nothing wrong, they, too, have nothing to hide. 


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