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NBC News sure went with an interesting framing for their piece on luggage thief Sam Brinton's firing

Earlier this week, nonbinary Matt Damon doppelgänger and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Brinton got his walking papers after getting busted for stealing a second piece of luggage that did not belong to him (let’s face it: it was probably not the second piece of luggage he’d stolen; he’s likely been at it for quite a while).


And for what it’s worth, NBC News seems pretty broken up about it:

OK, so first of all:

He did it. We all saw it.

But aside from that aspect of NBC News’ “reporting,” if you can even call it that, there’s just the actual words they chose to discuss this particular story:

Sam Brinton, who earlier this year became the country’s first openly gender-fluid senior government official, is no longer employed by the U.S. Dept. of Energy after facing two separate allegations of luggage theft.

Like, what a mess that is. Makes him sound like some innocent victim of heteronormative oppression or something.


Special people get that framing, so Brinton’s in some illustrious company at least:

“Austere gender-fluid baggage thief” does have a nice ring to it, we suppose.

Have a look, in case you don’t want to give NBC News the clicks (we don’t blame you):

Like, we get that NBC News has been firmly implanted inside of the liberal lower digestive tract for some time now, but when you’re peddling progressive propaganda, you’ve got to dial it back once in a while so as not to be quite so obvious. Clearly NBC News still has a lot to learn about how all this works.

What a … perfect way to describe it. Well done, Nino.

Well, it’s definitely not news. That much is abundantly clear:


Does NBC News employ any fact-checkers at all?



Don’t look now, but Republicans are pouncing on stories about accused luggage thief Sam Brinton

Dave Weigel uses Tom Cotton’s correct take to downplay Sam Brinton’s suitcase stealing habit


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