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JUST Because It's Awesome --> WATCH San Fran Barista Open a Can of WHOOP-A*S on Would-Be Thief (Video)


When this video of a San Francisco barista takes on a would-be thief crossed our timeline we just had to sit and watch. Far too often, when videos like this 'pop up' the ending is not great for the victim, but in this case the ending did not work out great for the thug.


Not even a little bit.

HERO ALERT is correct - watch:

Granted, the barista is a big guy but still, what this shows is that everyday Americans are sick of what Democrats have done to our big cities. Protecting criminals over victims, allowing crime to make things 'more equitable'. We're just done with it, even in places like San Francisco.

There's a reason the entire country shifted red last month.

Even a year ago we'd agree, but now? The times they are a-changing. Thank God.

Right? Some of them even make 'fancy' coffee.

To be fair, the customer was likely in shock that someone would so blatantly try and steal from them, and then to see the barista jump in and stop it? 


And yet the barista kept on fighting.

That's crazy.

There is goodness in people, there is goodness in our country.

It's just easy to forget that sometimes.



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