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Charles C.W. Cooke Just SHREDS Liz Cheney in BRUTAL Receipt-Filled Thread for Saying Dobbs 'Went Too Far'

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Liz Cheney has done a bang-up job of not only destroying her own reputation but her family's legacy as well. Imagine sitting on stage next to a woman like Kamala Harris and going along with every single stupid thing that comes out of her mouth because you're so desperate for power and money you can't see straight going so far as to even IMPLY overturning Roe went too far.


Liz has officially sold her soul to the Democratic machine which is basically like selling it to the Devil so there's that.

Case in point:

Seems Liz will support any position if the money is right.

Charles C.W. Cooke just shredded Liz:

Dobbs just put abortion back at the state level. Liz's bill banned abortion NATIONALLY from the moment of fertilization.



We agree - come on.


Because she's also a fake and a phony, she fits right in with Kamala Harris.

Now THAT seems extreme, at least when you apply Liz's current take on Dobbs to it.

From The Guardian:

Liz Cheney, a former Republican congresswoman and longtime opponent of abortion rights, on Monday condemned Republican-imposed bans on the procedure and urged conservatives to support Democrat Kamala Harris for US president.

Cheney was speaking during three joint events with the vice-president in three swing states aimed at prising suburban Republican voters away from party nominee Donald Trump. She has become the Democrat’s most prominent conservative surrogate and is rumoured to be in contention for a seat in a potential Harris cabinet.

Of course, there is something for Liz in all of this. Good to know she wouldn't sell out her country just for the fun of it.



And on that note, Kamala can HAVE her.

Hey, we got Tulsi Gabbard in the trade, pretty sure we came out better for it.



DAMNING Thread Exposes Kamala for Abusing Hardship Program She Did NOT Qualify for to Get Into Law School

Holy CREEPER, Batman! If THIS Lawsuit Against Mark Cuban Is Legit WOW, We Don't Even Know What to Say

Fact-NUKE (from a Liberal Rag!): No, Lying Liz Cheney, Ted Cruz Did Not Hide in a Supply Closet on Jan 6

When He's Right, He's RIGHT! LOL! James Woods TORCHES White Dudes for Harris with Painfully PERFECT Meme

THIS --> Nate Silver Lists 24 BRUTAL Reasons Kamala Could Be in for a World of HURT Come Election Day


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