If you spend any time around a Leftist, you will find they are angry, resentful, and completely incapable of having any sort of relationship at all with someone they disagree with politically. Sure, there are exceptions to this rule but for the most part ... the Left is not a pleasant or happy group of people. We see this every time someone on the Right passes away, the Left celebrates.
And if someone on the Left passes away, the Right prays for them.
This thread from Clifton Duncan about the changes he saw in his own friend due to political difference, activism, and propaganda is a heartbreaking read.
It's tragic how politics has destroyed certain people--even entire industries.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
I call this process Rapid Onset Ideological Deterioration...ROID Rage.
I can't think of a better illustration of this phenomenon than what happened to an ex-friend I'll call "Claire." 🧵
ROID rage.
It works.
Keep going.
Claire and I met 20 years ago. I was hired as a guest artist at my local university, where she was a junior. She was beautiful, bright, charismatic and smart, while ALSO being a gifted actor, singer, dancer, AND instrumentalist.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
I was smitten right away.
A relationship he's had for decades.
We remained close over the years.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
We commiserated about the industry. Watched Marvel films together. I went to her wedding.
I was SO happy for her as she continued to work her way up NYC's brutal show biz ladder. It seemed all was going her way.
Then Donald Trump appeared.
And people lost their effing minds.
Show business is rife with Trump Derangement.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
Claire's family, it turns out, was more on the conservative side. As time passed she began to talk about cutting some of them off--specifically, her parents.
I was stunned. Previously I'd known Claire to be devoted to her family.
This is what cults do, they cut off family and friends they disagree with.
Ironically, these are the people who accuse those of us on the Right of being in a cult, but we digress.
Beautiful women in show business face problems (most) men don't. Occasionally Claire vented about the "Everyday Sexism" she experienced.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
But after 2016, there was a rage and ugliness in her that was absent before. Darkness. Cynicism.
I became concerned about her marriage.
TDS is real, y'all.
George Floyd's death in 2020 radicalized show business, which was already paralyzed by coronophobia.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
I sent Claire some "good news" suggesting COVID wasn't the plague.
But she was a full-blown activist now. She REFUSED any good news.
Her inner light was completely gone.
And she's hardly the only one.
Politics have ruined so much of what is good.
— Clifton Duncan (@cliftonaduncan) September 26, 2024
Claire's change from radiant to resentful is symbolic not just of what's happened to entertainment, but to millions of Americans.
Don't succumb to ROID rage.
Limit social media.
Avoid the news.
Talk to people.
Then we can heal.
We've been joking about Trump 'breaking' people for years but turns out ... it was never a joke.
And it's not funny.
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