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SO DAMN GOOD! Trump's Appearance on Greg Gutfeld Reminds America HE WILL Make America Great Again (Watch)

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

Donald Trump was truly at his best when he appeared on Greg Gutfeld's show. Not for an interview, not for a rally, just an appearance like any other guest on Greg's show and it was honestly his best showing yet. Yes, he's awesome at his rallies and yes, we all enjoy his social media feed (ok, so the Left doesn't BUT you get our point) but last night, just being himself, hanging out with people who weren't trying to argue with him or catch him in a GOTCHA ... Trump was just Trump. And Americans were reminded of who he really is, and what he's actually capable of accomplishing in and for this country.



What we saw last night was a reminder of how charming and humble the guy really is. Honestly, we spend so much time being inundated by a mainstream media who hates the guy that we can sometimes forget who it is we're voting for. Oh sure, we know damn well anyone is better than the imbecile Democrats appointed who nobody voted for in the first place BUT seeing him in that environment ... YUGE for him.

So great. People are saying it's the best ever. 


He really has been. Convictions, death threats, assassination attempts, and of course the nonstop attacks on his person and his family. The guy really needed a break and he got one with Gutfeld. 

Imagine if Trump won New York?

Yeah, that would be amazing.




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