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While Amazon's Alexa Has NO Opinion on Trump She Openly Campaigns for Kamala Harris (No Really, Listen)

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Normally when I write in first person I do so behind VIP because our readers typically hang out on Twitchy to find out what other people are talking about. But since this is something I recorded after reading about it on Twitter/X, it only made sense for me to write it as ... well, me.


Full disclosure, when I see something this blatant come across my radar more often than not, it's not true. Yes, I know, there is bias in Big Tech (we see it a LOT), but sometimes people put things out there to make a point (and get clicks and taps) so as a rule, I always check before I write about it.

Honestly, it's about as investigative reporter-like as I get.

So, I asked Alexa (or Computer, as I call her because I'm a Star Trek nerd) why I should vote for Trump. Then I asked her why I should vote for Kamala Harris and THIS is what she said.


Scary, right? No, not the doll (I know, she's spooky and a legit, screen-used prop from the television show Supernatural) but what Alexa said. She can't give me any reasons to vote for Trump because she's supposedly not allowed to do that but THEN she goes on to tell me why I should vote for Kamala.


Interesting side note, when I played this video in my office to test it, Alexa was triggered again to tell me even more about why I should vote for Kamala. Did you guys know she was an immigrant who struggled as a disadvantaged African American woman? And that she deserves to be president because she overcame so much?


Yeah, I had the same reaction.

There are people testing this now and they're not getting the same responses as I did, so did we catch them? Are they only giving this answer in swing states (I'm in Virginia)? Are they only reacting to women who ask this? 

I'd like to think it's because they got caught but let's be honest, they don't care if we know they're in the bag for the Democrats.

Now you guys see why we ask for your support as Twitchy VIP members, it's almost impossible to fight Big Tech and clearly they are on Kamala's side. Incidentally, since you're here I might as well offer you 50% off using the code BIGTECH to sign up ...


The doll thinks it would be a good idea. ;)



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