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Lefty Singer SO Twitterpated Over Pic of Kamala Harris Walking He 'GASPS' and the Replies Are Comedy GOLD


Hey, we get it. For a long time, the leader of the Democrat Party, the man they voted for, the man who they originally wanted to run in November could BARELY walk, but to get this excited over a picture of Kamala Harris merely walking is sort of ... well, weird.




You know, it's not good.

And to admit you literally gasped over it on Twitter/X?


What's perfect about her? Because from what we're seeing there is literally nothing about her that is presidential or gives us confidence she's ready to lead. In fact, the more we see of her the more we understand why literally NOBODY ever voted for this woman and why her approval rating was even lower than coma-Joe's.

Bad. So bad.

Seems Henry was the only one who was all that impressed by a picture of Kamala walking:

Suppose if you're a Democrat that's all you really need.


At some point, Henry shut down his replies which of course only made things worse for him:




Oh man. 

Same thing as they did with Hillary.

It would be said if it weren't so damn hilarious.

C'mon Democrats, we know your expectations are low but this is pathetic.



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